Thursday, September 1, 2016

New Now

Good day,

We have read similar messages over the years.
Each description contains some degree of personal inflection,
 but the objective remains consistent.  In a nutshell:

We are done with the old.
Newness is now.
Physicality, as we have come
to view it, is not true reality.
Possibilities are limitless!

Hopefully the following contains
an energy capable of infusing deeper veracity so
 that conveyance is not just understood, but integrated.

This life [many lifetimes, (growth prompting experiences)
within the physical plane] is not who we ARE, and
the manner in which we have been compelled
to perceive and act is coming to a close.

When we arrive at now, consciousness shifts, and
 energy feeds newness rather than ‘that which has been’!
 We have endured, outlived, and completed tests old
energy has brought and taught!  Done!

What we appear to be, and have accepted as ‘us’,
 is not who we are!  We have been restricted, deceived,
and shaped by human experience(s), then cloaked
with our interpretation of said experiences.

Now; is maintaining our true essence  
 in the midst of whatever is presented!

Until reaching the time of now,
we have been required to cope and adjust to  
confines imposed by earthly energies in order to interact
and survive within Earth!  Now is the time when the foundation,
that has imposed erroneous beliefs causing humanly manufactured
 existence, is inadequate to support and sustain newness that arrives! 
External actions no longer activate/stimulate inward response and
 instead awareness recognizes new reality.  [Note August OSOLE
revised blog regarding: ‘it’ being done through and to us].  
Now arrives when we are prepared and can accept,
claim, and live the true essence of ourselves!

~ Blessings ~

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