Tuesday, December 1, 2015

On Hold or Divine Intervention

 Good day,
We presently are in what might feel like a
holding pattern.  Even though there is movement,
much may feel stagnant.  Allotment of such time is for
increased transformation.  There is familiarity in what has been,
 but recycling antiquated views, actions, beliefs, etc. no longer produces
the same results.  Outdated habits and routine die hard, so try to
 remain open and receptive to newness and incorporate fresh
  insights, attitudes, and action accordingly.  This seemingly
 motionlessness allows the body, mind, and emotions
 juncture to reorganize and stabilize.
Uncertainty can occur when evolving beyond
 familiarity and sufficient time is required to acclimate.
  Thus far, the extent of newness is not fully recognizable, yet
we witness and experience change all around.  This gift of pause
 provides time to adjust and gain balance for upcoming, accelerated,
 forward movement and deepening transformation.  Metamorphosis
may be imperceptible during the process itself, [like being in the
eye of a hurricane] but our deepest core fibers are currently
 being re-calibrated and restructured.  The outcome of
of completing such a cyclic stage, is that priorities,
perspective, and focus are transformed!
Example:  Disruption takes place during
the remodeling of a house.  Interior and exterior are
in disarray throughout the re-structuring process.  Contents are
 displaced and in unfamiliar places.  Even the simplest of chores requires
additional attention and effort and results may not be as satisfying as in
the past.  Undesirable debris accumulates during creation, and disorder
requires frequent cleanup and reorganization.  Mental, emotional, and
 physical discomfort and confusion occurs until the new project is
complete.  So it is with human-body-houses, but ultimately
the new structure is filled with obvious improvement!
At such times, some may opt to slip into
another dimension, either while awake or during sleep,
  for relief from construction.  Out-of-body connections with
the world of spirit and a thinning of the veil between worlds
allows for lucid intercommunication of messages and
enhanced interaction with spiritual beings.
Stay open and receptive to Divine guidance.  
Release archaic human patterns.  Eradicate preconceived
 notions and/or expectations of what tomorrow’s horizon might
include thereby allowing consciousness to be clear and clean for inflow
 of infinite possibilities that may well exceed what individual awareness
is able to envision.  The current respite [permit for alteration and
 integration], will again recede so meanwhile rest, give thanks for
this interim of fine-tuning, and honor the wise, all-loving-
presence within who continues to extensively prepare
physicality for unlimited Cosmic expression.
~ In Reverence ~

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November Entry

Good day,
In the past OSOLE has mentioned hearing
  beyond words and seeing past physical appearances.
 Consider:  An audience can hear the same message but
 comprehend it differently.  Even a literal interpretation
can vary for those who audit exclusively with ears.
Speakers transmit on various levels and a listener is
affected at those levels whether cognizant of the intensity
 of the delivery or not.  A listener’s background may limit their
ability to receive fully.  Certain words and/or concepts may
evoke emotional response causing physical reaction and
predisposed prejudice as to how and what they
 are able to [selectively] absorb and process.
If a message is purely clinical, dispensing
 mere facts devoid of emotion, the listener no matter
 how sensitive, can hear/receive just information. 
  On the other hand, when a speaker shares
 inspirationally infused words with a heartfelt tone,
 a sensitive listener can often hear, feel, and perceive the
deeper message [more than words] and an intuitive listener can
perhaps determine if the speaker’s intention, emotion, and
even soul-essence is in alignment with words expressed.
 This is what is meant by; hearing beyond/past words.
Everything is relative but interpretation
and comprehension always rests with the recipient,
no matter the degree of blessing bestowed.
Below are a few simple examples that
 demonstrate how this basic concept relates
to other areas within physicality: 
Some express at a singular level, others
on multiple levels.  The same is true for listeners.
Clinical material and emotional subject matter impact
readers differently.  Some read only words, others read
 deeper, i.e., unspoken messages, reading beyond/between lines.
Some view exterior appearance, other access depth of being.
Some taste spaghetti sauce, while others savor tomato,
onion, garlic, basil, rosemary, oregano, and love!
Some feel the touch of a hand, while others
receive loving warmth and healing.
Some notice fragrance, another
detects the perfume of lilacs.
One hears a bird sing, while another takes
 delight in the distinct and precise call of a dove.
All is available, yet limited human awareness
 determines what is and is not perceived.
 Words and actions are powerful.
 Intention fuels them!  We cannot assume the
fullness of what we share will always be entirely realized,
 however we can be assured that when we speak and act with
 honorable intention, delivery will be in accord.  Viewing
and hearing beyond human words and actions
 allows access to a higher connection.
 A response system within [beyond physicality]
 awaits conscious recognition, awareness, and attention:
OSOLE!  Projecting clean/clear intention and seeing, sensing,
 and hearing beyond words, actions, and appearances honors and  
acknowledges the soul which in turn triggers, stimulates, and
 accelerates universal-OSOLE-energy within each other,
 whether mindful of this happening or not.  When such
 recognition occurs, we actually access a part of
ourselves [universal oneness] in another!
We all bring to the table a composite of
 where we have been, what we have done, and
 learned until now.  Consequently the levels at which each
gives and receives varies, so the same interaction causes different
response and reaction within each individual.  Therefore, let us be
mindful of others and ourselves equally, access beyond physicality when
possible, and extend kind allowance while maintaining worthy intentions.
~ Blessings and Peace ~

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Points to Ponder

Good day,
Manifest:  Make clear or evident;
 show plainly, reveal; prove, be evident.
Create:  Cause to come into existence, bring into
being, make, originate.  To bring about, give rise to.
Co-create:  Together create in unison.
Human will and human desire. 
Divine will and Divine desire.
Prayer can be personal or universal,
ego or spirit-based, perhaps at times, both.
 Ego-based indicates a personal attachment to desires,
 dreams, and wishes.  Spirit-based is unattached, disinterested
in reason, cause, action, instead trusts completely in a perfect
 outcome, however that may humanly appear/arrive.
 Non-attachment gives Source free-reign/rein.
  Surrendering into Source allows co-creation to
 occur without interference from ego.  Asking Source to
 answer personal wishes, desires, and dreams can be considered
 co-creating, at a particular level as Source complies to fulfill human
 desire.  As dreams and wishes manifest, we tend to believe we have
been instrumental in bringing them into being.  It is true, we
prayed, Source heard, and accommodated our prayer!
 We co-created and our desire manifested!
 Eventually ones come to realize their answered prayer,
while appreciated, may be temporal with limited perspective,
 when personally conceived.  Human prayer can be selfless and benevolent,
relative to human understanding, but is generally incapable of infinite wisdom
 and unlimited perspective.  As a result, the consummated prayer may lack
 the eternal fulfillment desired for some intangible aspect of being-ness
 is still unsatisfied.  Remaining open and accepting of spirit’s
presence, yet humanly unattached, neutral, and no
 longer projecting human will, [except to align with
Divinity], provides a malleable, mutable
conduit through whom a higher degree of co-creation
can take place.  When Thy will is done, perfection is manifest. 
Spirit activates more fully and freely within neutral physical form,
 after human desire, will, and resistance surrenders.  In this way Heaven
[spirit] manifests in [Earth] physicality and become One!
~ Blessings and Peace ~

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Entry

Good day,
Thank you all for your kind and
 supportive responses last month.  It is a pleasure
 to keep you connected with OSOLE!
This message may sound redundant, it is!
Natural and man-made disasters escalate as Earth
 and humanity continue to advance and disburden!  Assuaging
is a cathartic process which helps clear and clean
 the passageway for increased light.
Ones who hold light in Earth
 temporarily absorb a certain amount of pollution
 while doing so.  Liken this unto; adding clean water to
 muddy water.  When clear and murky water merge, clean water
 becomes contaminated.  However over time and with continual
 inflow of clean water, impurities dilute, eventually
are overcome, and attain pristine results!  
Humanity is waking up, stepping up, speaking up,
and heating up!  Mother Nature also becomes bolder as
She exerts increased power to expedite the cleansing catharsis!
 Humankind and Gaia collectively generate an energy which
 catapults overall existence forward!  Through necessity
 and adversity, greatness is achieved!
More people now stand forward in higher truth,
 embodying increased light.  Those who have been holding
 light, for what seems to be eternity, now experience a change.
Balance shifts as additional light-bearing comrades step up,
 providing greater ballast upon the Universal scale.
 Catch breath, step out/away and observe
 earthly interaction from an impersonal, more removed
perspective.  Be aware of earthly activity, but try maintaining
 a subtle standpoint, almost as if no longer being directly involved.
   We have prepared lifetimes for now, to assist in bringing Heaven into Earth! 
We possess necessary skills to chart and navigate such waters.  Secure
anchor in Source and offer spiritual gifts and wisdom for support.
~ Blessings and Peace ~