Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Good day,

Translate; Webster’s definition:

 To convey to Heaven without death.

 The definition is simple and understandable yet the

concept relates to, and describes a process which may

be viewed as complex and/or unobtainable

within third dimensional reality!

Moving from Earth into Heaven is typically associated
 with death [dropping of the body] prior to passing into spirit.
  At this particular time of evolution, Earth, as well as those living
in Earth, have opportunity to experience translation.  This
 premise is not new and manifestation takes place
by way of heightened spiritual consciousness.

A dying process [of sorts] still occurs, but in
a slightly different manner.  Life as we have known it,
 through concepts, understanding, state-of-mind, activities,
relationships, and etc. changes, and is up-graded so
new-life-consciousness can be brought forth!

While physical, mental, and emotional bodies do
not actually die, translation may feel like mortal death.  
In some instances, dying-into-self may be as challenging as,
 or more so than physical death.  One endures similar symptoms
yet without the relief and release from human pain and suffering
that death provides.  Instead physical, spiritual, emotional, and
mental discomforts are transmuted while in body, as one
is tempered and healed in preparation for new life.

Attributes which no longer serve, are eliminated
while truth, love, and light increase!  Allow this to unfold
naturally, mourn and bless the past as long as necessary.  Life
for the most part has been an association with self, others, and
 Earth, however now is a time of limitless conceptual understanding!
 Spiritual perception and reception increases as awareness expands
and as a result of elevated understanding, enlightenment occurs! 
Conversely, retention of old patterns and thoughts result in
stagnation, limitation, and resistance in moving forward.

A heavenly state-of-being is possible in Earth without
dropping the body; however, translation is generally not a
smooth and fluid movement but attained through an on-going
 search and application of spiritual principles.  An awakening occurs,
 which assists in bringing one to their ‘real [cosmic] senses’!  Then
perhaps a wake-up call such as; a major life adjustment/shift/
occurrence arrives which forces [helps cement] a new tact,
 understanding, approach, outlook, and/or avenue, etc.,
that otherwise might not happen!  As challenging as
 such experiences might feel, try to welcome and
give thanks for them knowing these are the
 blessings in disguise; catalysts that prompt
 soul growth and development, which in
 turn opens the door to Heaven
while still here in Earth!
~ Easter Blessings ~
