Sunday, January 1, 2006

Conscious Intentions

~ Conscious Intentions ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Prayer (loving thought, desire, and
intentional vibrational energy) when sent out can  
aid other’s healing.  The reverse is also true.

Both vibrations cause reaction
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

When kind words are spoken with unkind undercurrents,
ears may hear the words, but the heart and soul 
  may not response to the energy behind them.
Intentions begin to overshadow words as we realize
communication takes place on multiple levels.
Spiritual growth affords awareness of our
actions toward ourselves and others. Let us remember
 to be mindful of inner thoughts and intentions. These are mental
actions for which we are accountable as they deeply affect
our own being, those around us, and the entire universe.

One Source of Life Eternal
extends loving intentions, may we respond in kind ~