Saturday, December 1, 2007

OSOLE Awakening

~ OSOLE Awakening ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Spiritual evolution constantly occurs, personally and collectively.
All aspects of understanding, healing, truth, wisdom, etc., already exist
in perfect form. As awareness expands, one's perspective changes.
"Awakening" or "remembering" also describes this process. As layer
after layer is peeled away, new revelations are "exposed" for one
to examine, chew on, and finally digest. After this is done,
the content can fully integrate and truly become "one" with the
individual. This will all unfold naturally, on its own accord.

The fact that one "receives" material truth, can write it, and
publicly "deliver" it, does not necessarily mean they have
"examined" it, "chewed on" it, or "digested" it. Be mindful of the
"outward" teacher, they may not actually "be" one with their message.

The "ultimate" teacher lies within each one personally and
is complete and abundant in all things.

~ Remember, the messenger is the "messenger",
OSOLE, remains the "GOAL" ~

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Open to the love, knowingness, and healing of "SOURCE" energy.

OSOLE is all in all. It is the power
which created all, lives all, and provides for all.

There are no limitations regarding
ONE SOURCE OF LIFE ETERNAL for it is all there is.

A thought, an action - everything emanates from the same SOURCE.

Retaining "awareness" and remaining "conscious" of this truth
allows for limitless abundance.

"Perfection made possible through love by OSOLE".

~ OSOLE awaits your return ~

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Road Home

~ The Road Home ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We must all travel "the road" to reach "the end".
No one has priority over another. Everyone experiences tests
and trials here on earth to earn their place in Heaven.
The tests may be different for each, but mind you,
every test requires "attention" to achieve success.

So, when "put to the test", how will/do you react,
what will/do you choose? Will/do you "hold the line"
of love, truth, and integrity, and for how long?
For the moment, for the duration of the test,
for a lifetime, to the death, for eternity?

Choosing the "high road" requires strength, dedication,
focus endurance, but the destination is "perfection".

~ OSOLE awaits
your "homecoming" with warm welcome,
loving compassion, and complete understanding ~

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Simply OSOLE

~ Simply OSOLE ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Will you listen for "the call" within your heart from OSOLE?

Are you prepared to answer and respond?
Are you ready to follow accordingly in trust and faith?

Have you enough faith to follow, when not knowing
the route, yet still be able to trust completely
that OSOLE will reveal the path and lead the way?

It is just that simple.

Trust, move in faith, and know perfection reigns.

~ OSOLE awaits (your return) ~

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

OSOLE Awaits

~ OSOLE Awaits ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

your return

Sunday, July 1, 2007

One Thing

~ One Thing ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

If you could contain/carry just one attribute within
your being throughout eternity, what would it be?


When you determine what the "one thing" is,
put "it" first and foremost in the mind,
heart, and life (actions) from this day forward.


Create your reality/eternity now.

- OSOLE awaits -
(your return)

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Way

~ The Way ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

"LIGHT" will show "THE WAY" to truth and love.

While on the journey, there will be stumbling blocks
 amidst the path from time to time. Try not to concentrate on
the obstacles.  Acknowledge them, deal with them, learn from them,
but do not become "attached" to them. They are not the "goal".

Instead, keep moving forward, resting the eye upon the "LIGHT"
with footsteps firmly planted on the accessible passageway to OSOLE.

There is no need for struggle or despair.  One may travel
any road, at any time, and find unity with all things,
in all places, at all times. Peace and perfection remain constant
with the wise one who has attained spiritual understanding.

Manifest what you will. The choice is one of freedom.
OSOLE will eventually bring all things back to itself --

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


~ Newness ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have traveled a long way to get to HERE.
There is still a distance yet to journey.

At this time be reassured that a significant and powerful
 spiritual "shift" has recently taken place. We have been
 prepared for new "thought" and "action".

What has proven to "work" in the past (lifestyles,
business/personal relationships, etc.) no longer "serves"
 in the same way NOW.  We delve deeper to reach "core issues"
 at honorable levels.  We cannot successfully function in "newness" using
 old "programs/patterns".  As we to readjust our mind and actions,
 there may be a sense of confusion, inability, frustration, or
feeling of unprepared-ness.  With time and effort "light"
will bring us into more understanding and clarity.

Embrace, with openness, this new position.  No matter
which way the wind blows, keep feet firmly planted
upon the path of love, truth, and integrity.

How blessed to be brought to a new threshold.
How blessed to be allowed advancement.~ How blessed that
 OSOLE is ever-present – guiding and teaching with love always ~

Sunday, April 1, 2007

OSOLE Awareness

~ OSOLE Awareness ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Beyond every word, past every action is another
 perception and understanding.  Awareness
enables us to step into this (spiritual) "sense".
 We begin to realize (the) duality (of everything) –
experiencing things from an earthly perspective while
simultaneously recognizing the spiritual counterpart.
How is it we can bear witness to separate realities at
the same time?  How does one convey spiritual sense/reality
with human words and actions?  Perhaps it is unnecessary
to try? Each shall arrive at their own place in their
own time. Universal inner understanding no longer
requires the same outward expressions.
Unspoken "spiritual sense" becomes confirmation.
In this space, peace and love abides.
One walks "in harmony" with the totality of
the Universe - OSOLE.  Atonement, perfection, beauty,
 balance, and purpose of existence occurs. Be it a
 "split-second" glimpse or a "continual way of life",
when such vastness, love, perfection, and harmony
is experienced, life is never quite the same.

~ OSOLE touches in love, with grace.  May we
remember to give "thanks" and "gratitude" always ~

Thursday, March 1, 2007

All Things Work Toward OSOLE

~ All Things Work Toward OSOLE ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Reaction to what is considered "positive" may be different
than what is viewed as "negative". There must be
 darkness to see light and vice versa.

Perhaps "easy" and/or "difficult" is only within our
perception?  All things do work toward a positive outcome.

Stumbling through what appears to be adversity
 brings us to a slightly different place and perspective.
 We gain strength, growth, and wisdom for we
have "endured", with persistence and
determination to achieve success.

Sometimes the "journey" seems slow, one step forward
 followed by two back. As progress is made a sense
of accomplishment prevails and we move forward
with renewed hope and anticipation.

We may strive for an immediate and tangible outcome
in our everyday life, but our soul is always
in search of the "eternal" goal - OSOLE.

So the puzzle is assembled "piece by piece",
 the picture is drawn "line by line",
and the flower unfolds "petal by petal".
When all is said and done, a
masterpiece of beauty
is complete.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

For Love Only

~ For Love Only ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We hear words like; "co-create with God"
and ”set intentions".  What lies beyond this?
 Is there something more?

After we set our human goals and perhaps
even achieved them. After we have create our
(own) world as we would choose it to be -
["law of attraction", "the secret"] -- then what?

Could it be "surrender" and "acceptance"?

Could it be that we become self-less and not-wanting,
surrendering and blending completely with a
"Higher Power": The Universal Law/Force/Energy of OSOLE?

Does "our will" become "Thy will", accepting
fully that the Universe totally understands our
needs and desires before we have a clue/inkling?

Is "surrender" and "acceptance" true wisdom?  Is this
freedom, a pure impersonal vessel offering
self-less service for the sake of love only?

~ For the sake of OSOLE ~

Monday, January 1, 2007

Three In One

~ Three In One ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Simply put:
The body houses the soul much like the soul
houses spirit.  The body is flesh and contains id,
ego and personality.  The soul is ether
and still contains individuality.
Spirit is self-less and pure.  Spirit is the loving universal
 force/energy/link that unites everything - OSOLE.

When we are finally able to listen and hear "heart thoughts"
past human words, to look beyond the imperfections
of physical actions and sense "Divine Intentions", we connect
the power that lives all things. No thing can exist
without it. In this way, we are all one.

Look and listen beyond the body,
hear and feel the soul. This being achieved,
we can find unity of spirit, peace, and atonement with