Monday, December 23, 2013

Heaven, Earth, and the Christ

~ Holiday Greetings One and All ~
Much has been written regarding Heaven, Earth, and
 the Christ.  A wealth of wisdom exists, yet with
finite mind, full clarity may remain illusive. 
Herewith, a simple example is
offered for consideration:
~ Heaven, Earth and the Christ ~
Heavenly Father, Mother Earth, God/Holy Spirit
For the sake of this example only let us say:
Europe [or the Americas] shall be referred to as Heaven.
The Americas [or Europe] shall be referred to as Earth.
When standing on one continent, we are unable to
humanly view another at the same time,
yet understand the other exists. 
A transatlantic telegraph cable is laid beneath the ocean,
a physical cable through which telegraphic impulses are
transmitted from one continent to the other.  The cable
transverses the expanse and distance between the two spaces. 
Jesus the man served as a human cable [as we all do]
connecting Divinity of Heaven with earthliness in human form. 
In other words, messages from Heaven passed through him
[like telegraph messages through the transatlantic cable]
to reach the human earthly plane of existence.
Messages without a means of interconnecting lay fallow. 
The cable/conduit [means of connection] alone is also
dormant without impulses to communicate.
When Heavenly impulses pass into a human
 being [earthly cable] and conscious awareness receives
and perceives the messages as Divine guidance
[infused by holy spirit], christ consciousness results.
Through this way anyone; Buddha, LaoTzu, Confucius,
Gandhi, Mohammed, Jesus, we, our neighbors,
spouse, parents, etc., can be ‘christed’.
The light of Heaven [spirit] shines forth and touches
into earthly form [human existence] and through
human hearts and [christ] conscious awareness
radiates light back into Spiritual [heavenly]
realms.  In turn, the lights become ONE!  
Connection is complete in both worlds!
May the Christ within once again be birthed
[made manifest], making NOW a time
of Light, Love and Holiness!
Blessings & Peace

Friday, November 1, 2013


Good day fellow travelers,
Is perception changing?  Let’s hope so!
Are we viewing life differently?
Remember Source energy is complete unto itself. 
Limited conscious perception acts as a weak link which
seems to create separation from Source.  At this time
 keep the heart open and allow for it to assist as it has
perception which surpasses the conscious mind.
Great soul growth occurs during adversity yet
eventually brings us to acceptance, understanding,
peace and total perfection of union with Source.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Reality

Good day fellow travelers,
A thought to preface October 2006 message.
Is that which has been viewed as and thought of
as reality becoming less meaningful and important? 
Is there sometimes fogginess and confusion mixed in?
Is perception being altered right before our eyes?
As we continue to move forward through the fog
which has veiled our understanding, we shall soon
see fog positioned behind us!  It will begin to
cloud/subdue the past, that which
we have viewed as reality!
Let us find the gift/blessing in having
old reality foggy, no longer fettered with
 human experiences [tests and trials that have
brought us to now]! Instead we are free to
advance forward while viewing the
horizon with uncluttered clarity!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Inward Focus

Good day fellow travelers,
As one begins to minimize outer focus,
[activities, pre-occupations, exchanges, etc.]
inward insight increases.   Inner expansion may not
be everyone’s current conscious goal, but eternally
speaking, will eventually come to be so.
When one functions within earth [the body],
a certain degree of attention is required.  Simple
activities such as; talking, eating, motion require some
level of thought.  More complex activities generally require
added attention, for instance; driving an automobile.
When thoughts are [fully] engaged outwardly,
can they be equally focused inwardly?
This paring-down process of outward human
diversions of course is optional.  Such a choice however,
 increases inner awareness.  Prior to reincarnating we are
  given opportunity to choose specific experiences to live while
 in earth [the body] which will increase soul development.
When returning to body from the spiritual plane, we
often lose sight of predetermined spiritual goals. 
We may fail to remember how this process
 works when again in earth [the body]. 
How wonderful that while in spirit we are given
choices and opportunities to pre-establish for ourselves
whatever circumstances [physical, emotional, mental,
financial, etc.] which will best assist in bringing our
 optimum soul growth; holding us upon our desired
spiritual course while in earth [the body]!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gold Within

Good day fellow travelers,
A short thought today:
The gold within is the treasure.
The gold without does not measure,
for it remains in solid form;
but the gold within transforms!
(As in:  Heals, purifies, neutralizes,
redeems, is gifted and eternal.)


Monday, July 1, 2013

Unconditional Love

Good day fellow travelers,
The Universe continually receives and welcomes us
as we evolve ourselves forward.  Always accepting and open
to whatever degree of growth and development we achieve;
no matter how great, no matter how quickly.
Is this not a perfect example of unconditional love
at both a personal and universal level?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

We Have Chosen Perfectly

Good day fellow travelers,
We have chosen perfectly for ourselves!
Whatever was needed to bring us to the fullness
 of self – trust – we have chosen wisely!
We orchestrated and designed what was needed
to define and refine ourselves, lifetime after lifetime.
Wherever we were weaker we created a life
scenario which would allow us to concentrate our
energies in those specific areas to strengthen self.
In other words, we fashioned for ourselves
the perfect challenges to gain optimum
soul growth and development.
We continue to build our own pyramid, upon
which one day we will stand atop!  Every stone laid,
every step negotiated, we understand intimately
for we have created/lived it in order to
reach the summit; our freedom!
~ We then continue to expand
into unexplained vastness
within OSOLE ~
~ Love and blessings ~

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Where is Reality

Good day fellow travelers,
If up until now the world of spirit has been perceived as
 vague and illusive and Earth as stable, concrete
and secure, prepare for change
Perhaps until now we have identified ourselves by
viewing the earthly plane as [our] reality.  We know how
to navigate and interact here and this has provided
many of us with relativity of/for our being-ness.
In the times ahead we may find ourselves
less securely anchored within the earthly environment.
We may begin to regard our familiar earth plane as [becoming]
illusive, vague and variable.  What we have thought it to be
[may] no longer remain the same?  In fact we may
find ourselves becoming [more] in tune/touch
and aligned with inner thoughts/senses/
real spirit of our nature.
Is the world of spirit superseding the earthly world?
Is the spirit world becoming more real?  Are these
two worlds merging, thereby changing our
reality, or has it always been so and the 
shift is just within our consciousness? 
Change and growth are inevitable,
as are our blessings! 
~ Love and blessings ~

Monday, April 1, 2013

Complete the Circle

Good day fellow travelers,
Reflecting upon the OSOLE message of seven
years ago, the following comes to mind:
When we fully know ourselves,
 all things will be shown!
What does this mean?
It means we will claim the fullness of being,
we are entitled to the full richness of our Essence!
It means, when we finally and fully access our
higher-self within [aware of our awareness],
our understanding will align with the Divine
and Universal flow of life.  Perhaps we
are experiencing glimpses already?
Build upon yourself within, recognize, claim
and feed the fullness of you.  It is not through
external awareness that we complete the fullness
 of us, we are the environment in which this takes place!
This is akin to our nature, not a foreign concept.
May this serve to trigger the reality of us, which
is already who we are – so let it be done-
expressed, infused, and complete!
(Re-entry of old archived messages continues below)
~ Love and blessings ~

Friday, March 1, 2013

Heaven In Earth

Good day fellow travelers,
Preparing to re-enter the message of seven years
ago, there is little to add or remove. 
Please decide for yourselves.
Guidance is Heaven sent.  There is never a moment,
even in the quietest of quiet, that transmission from Heaven
does not take place.  Receipt in Earth is optional!
As we grow ourselves, our spiritual light becomes brighter.
As we continue to construct our spiritual pyramid,
we are able to ascend closer to Heaven.
As we gain access to the capstone of that which
we have created, we begin to break through
the density of physicality, clouds and fog.
This new vista allows for expanded vision.
Attaining such height(s) while in Earth (in body)
brings closer connection to Heaven.
Let us meet in Heaven as we meet in Earth.
Let us access Heaven as we dwell in
Earth and make the lights ONE!
~ Love and blessings ~