Saturday, July 1, 2006

Thank You From OSOLE

~ Thank You From OSOLE ~

Dear Brothers and Sisters, fellow LightWorkers of Love,

It is with deep sincerity and gratitude that we come to you
in thanksgiving for the selfless and loving service you provide.

The Universe is in receipt of blessings because of your presence.

At times some people may overlook your loving efforts
perhaps because they are overwhelmed with their own concerns.
Please be assured and take comfort in knowing even the slightest
act of kindness or loving thought extended is documented
and never forgotten throughout eternity.

To keep giving, when the well is dry, is a true test.
A blessing is shared this moment.
May this cup keep you from thirsting forevermore
and provide a knowingness within your heart of a job well done.
~ So it is - so shall it ever be ~

Thank you all,