Monday, December 1, 2014

Another Welcome Shift

Good day,

The day of the blood-full-moon this last October,
another sizeable shift in energy occurred
and seems to be sticking around! 

For those who have been holding light for lifetimes
with seemingly limited support, there is additional relief!
As the masses begin to function at a higher vibratory level
this helps apportion the overall load.  In turn, a more equitable
balance is achieved both personally and universally!

Advancement and rise in collective consciousness is
 capable of limitless flexibility and fluidity to accommodate
each at their necessary level when the time is right. 

Perhaps relief has not yet reached every doorstep,
 but please be assured it will arrive at the perfect moment!
For those who have or are experiencing a lighter sensation,
you bear witness to such Divinity!  This signifies a monumental
adjustment in humanity’s spiritual awareness of choosing
 [or perhaps by Universal force?] to raise vibrations!

As a result, trailblazers/forerunners are being cut loose
and freed of old tethers that have bound for so long. This
release allows for new momentum and expanded perspectives.

New light is based upon energy each carries which
provides for optimum expression and purpose!

~ Blessings and Peace ~

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Good day,

Continue to monitor and clear self of thoughts,

emotions, activities, etc., which no longer contribute to

constructive personal growth.  Such practice helps build a

 closer connection between human and higher-self and also

benefits with regard to transparency.  When we realize

all aspects of self are accessible to others,  it is time

for closer personal examination.  In other words;

 ‘clean every facet of being’!


 ~ We know the truth of who we are and how we live. ~


OSOLE has previously talked about ‘seeing beyond actions’

 and ‘hearing past words’.  What this means is:  If heart intention and

outer expressions are not in alignment, discrepancy will be obvious.

A time is coming, perhaps for some it has already arrived, where

private thoughts/words/actions will become public; ‘transparent’!

Thus far grace, coupled with limited conscious awareness/vibrations,

 has spared/protected us and allow a degree of ‘personal privacy’.


Assess, adjust, and adhere to higher-inner-truth.

Maintain a loving, honorable, and pure heart.  Continued

self-monitoring helps establishes closer attunement; minimizing

 distance between inner/higher-self and human-self.  Staying in

accord with the light of truth is preparation for transparency

 and creates a personal bridge between Heaven and Earth!


~ Blessings and Peace ~



Wednesday, October 1, 2014


~ Good day ~
There is no longer need for a
storage unit.  We can now lighten our load!
As we move through life [numerous lives] we
are presented with challenges; opportunities which
in turn prompt soul growth and development.
As these occasions arrive, hopefully we take
time to assess what is involved and why they have
 been presented.  We can then address the circumstances
by using appropriate tools/skills/knowledge we have
acquired thus far.  This being the case, we do the
best we can with what we have to work
with and may bless and release the
experience immediately.
The process of growing and evolving
 ourselves is a continuum, lifetime after lifetime. 
Let’s say; during a previous existence we successfully
resolved a major life issue, but at the time did not have the
 in-depth understanding we presently possess regarding
release of completed life experiences. So we accepted the
challenge and scars as part of who we were during that lifetime
 and innocently carried forward with us wounds incurred
instead of releasing them directly upon completion.
It is possible some may now be [unknowingly]
 overloaded with a storage space full of what has
already been completed.  This can be heavy and an
unnecessary burden.  It can also lessen available
free space for current life experiences.
When the time is now, we learn that which was,
was, and is no more!  We no longer need to provide
storage space for the old!  Instead we move forward freely,
unencumbered by past wounds knowing we coped with,
blessed, resolved and dissolved challenges perfectly at the
 time they arrived.  We also understand that; if at the time
we did not have all the necessary tools/skills required
to successfully negotiate the test, we will again be
permitted opportunity, perhaps in a slightly
 different manner, to address, resolve
 and clear the situation fully!
This being said, there is no longer need to reserve
storage space to accommodate old baggage,
instead travel light!
 Accept daily each learning opportunity with love and
 thanksgiving.  Use appropriate tools acquired throughout
lifetimes to resolve and dissolve issues directly as we
 prepare ourselves to attain peace and freedom!
~Blessings and Peace ~

Monday, September 1, 2014


Good day,

There is no reason for concern,
for what has been does not return.

  It is newness now of things gone by,
always looking with a clean, clear eye.

 Step forward in grace, step forward in peace
and assuredness for every step will be in accord
with the path that the Masters walk.

We tread the same space and we work
 with the same struggles.  It’s not that
the journey is smooth at all times. 
What is perfect is the understanding
and the consciousness. 

As one moves into peace with consciousness,
as one moves into peace, they experience
the perfection of Heaven, the freedom
of love and purity of light.

Consciousness determines our level of
peace and perfection.  It comes in its own time
 and as we move toward it, and then into it,
 it becomes us and then we radiate it.

 It is not a process that happens overnight. 
It’s not that we step into a space and it is perfect. 
Perfection is something that is grown. 
It is grown within the individual. 
It is a process whereby all come in their own time. 
We stand with you, hold vigil with you
 and walk beside you.

~ Blessings and Peace ~


Friday, August 1, 2014

To Thine Own Self Be True

~ Good day ~

Experiences, insights and truths others share
can be uplifting, inspiring and helpful.

When listening to, reading and perhaps trying to
implement and integrate other’s findings please remember;
inner wisdom lies within each one personally.

Another’s truth is exactly that.  Each is
capable of accessing inner truth/guidance/perfection. 
Trying to adjust one’s thinking, life and/or goals in order
to match another’s [no matter how evolved], may
compromise personal growth and development.

By honoring guidance within one retains
individuality and substance uniquely characteristic
unto themselves.  This rounds-out and maintains
balance within the collective consciousness.

~ Blessings and Peace ~


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


~ Good day ~

Technology is a positive asset
within worldly existence, so is balance.  
Sometimes less truly is more and
simplicity exceeds excessiveness.

We draw upon previous cultures to help us
create and maintain balance here and now!

Adjust perspectives, if need be, to recognize
a ‘smart phone’ will not accompany 
departures from the earthly plane.

Be selective in choices for in doing so
momentum is influenced and alters recycling
 of repetitive old earthly patterns/outcomes.

By maintaining inward focus there is less need
for outer direction, distractions, research and such.

It is through the powerful complexity
of the simplicity within, that all is revealed. 

~ Blessings & Peace ~



Sunday, June 1, 2014


~ Good day ~
Words and actions [appearance,
social standing, etc.] will soon no longer be
the attraction.  Instead essence will magnetize.
Eloquent words require inner eloquence.
Pure intent directive needs to
accompany deliberate and precise skills.
Purity of heart becomes the commanding Power! 
Transference [of radiance-energy] supersedes words and
actions, a form of exchange/inter-communication
not unfamiliar in other dimensions.
Ones who have attained such degree of light
will be brought forward.  Truth resonates with truth,
 love with love, compassion with compassion and so on. 
Essence-energy understands such interaction,
naturally magnetizes vibrations, and transference occurs! 
Words and actions alone no longer satisfy. 
True essence is key.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Good day,
Physical, mental, emotional, financial, and
spiritual struggles force a deeper search in order
to find truth, understanding and peace.
 Please consider:
We are the ones who prepare the way.
After such tempering, we embody fortitude
to assist others who have subscribed to, supported
and perpetuated a world which is now transitioning.
 Some may feel lost when worldly activities, which
have been accepted as true and honorable,
are shaken and exposed as less than!
It’s time for a sturdier personal infrastructure!
Find comfort and strength in knowledge attained.
Access and assess personal growth achieved and
stand firmly in who you are.  All efforts have been
valuable preparation for what lies ahead.
Theories and knowledge are useful, as are acceptance
and integration of knowledge, but now application
is needed to provide first-hand experience in BEING.
 So, not by knowledge alone, but through the actual
LIVING APPLICATION of knowledge, do we BECOME !
Let us bring to the Universal Table of Life  
fullness of our BEING made manifest.
 Blessings Be With You


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Reality

Good day fellow travelers,
Does the sense of reality appear and feel
altered and different?  Is mental and emotional
balance difficult to maintain?  Is consciousness
struggling to regain familiarity of thought process?
Is added effort required to achieve familiarity? 
Does awkwardness and indifference
seem to accompany this effort?
Perhaps reality and conscious balance, as previously
understood, is shifting beyond former familiarity?
Cloudy vague sensations, similar to ungrounded-ness
and/or disconnection, may accompany such newness.
When this occurs try not to resume a
previous state-of-being, instead flow forward
 with the new dimensional wave. 
Allow the tide to turn, observe, accept and
give thanks.  In time new reality will replace old
patterns and bring expanded perception and freedom.