Tuesday, November 1, 2016

3D & 5D Gap

~ Good day ~

Does short and/or long-term memory seem compromised
at times?  Is thinking somewhat foggy?  Are simple everyday activities,
and things that were once important, now feeling insignificant?

Such sensations may actually be separation from 3D consciousness.
 When one is fully connected with/to the earthly plane, focus
 is 3D; embroiled in whatever the world offers.

  When there is less interaction with earthly functions, and attention
  is to establish an expanded 5D connection, a gap of disassociation occurs.  
As a result, retention of needless 3D information becomes unimportant
and is accompanied with a physically spacey and disconnected
 sense regarding earthly thought process and activity.

 Hence; memory concerning mundane action
 becomes less important.  Material achievement and mental
attention is relevant only in the moment.

Therefore, if the mind seems disengaged and/or disoriented at times
regarding 3D memory, worry not.  Consciousness may just be accessing a new
 dimension, and the psyche releasing useless clutter that no longer serves!
Accessing Heaven while in Earth?!?!

~ Blessings ~