Wednesday, December 1, 2004

OSOLE, A Choice

~ OSOLE, A Choice ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Loving wisdom and grace has allowed us all "freedom of choice".
Our intentions and decisions affect our own lives,
the lives around us, and ultimately our world and universe.

Spiritual wisdom and understanding teaches us to
become mindful of our thoughts and actions.

Increasing spiritual awareness
will eventually find us choosing alignment of our "will"
with the perfect movement of One Source Of Life Eternal.
Our passageway shall then become clear, direct, and peaceful
as there will no longer be need for detours and/or dead-ends.

Bless every heart upon the path.

~ OSOLE, a choice ~

Monday, November 1, 2004


~ Seek OSOLE ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

It is as we become like a child, innocent, trusting,
and accepting that our heart opens and we come to “see”
and “hear” the beauty and truth of our own soul.

When we are so busy with things in the “outer world,
we then have little time for thought of the “inner world”.

Power, fame, and fortune does not bring wealth of heart
and spirit, only love.
Inner ‘richness of being” is a result of time spent in prayer,
meditation, nature’s quietude, and with
~ Seek OSOLE ~

Friday, October 1, 2004

Welcome To OSOLE

~ Welcome To OSOLE ~
Dear Brother and Sisters,

2000 + years, a great long while.

It is with ‘purpose’ and ‘joy of heart’ that we are all
 here together again at this particular time to experience
another monumental ‘transformation of creation’.

Much spiritual growth and development
 has occurred for us to reach ‘NOW’.

We are being prepared to come into Oneness

~ One Source Of Life Eternal ~

May peace and love reign forever more.
Let us stand together in gentle strength and support
as every heart is touched with love and
we return to ‘unity of being’.

~ Welcome to OSOLE ~

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Accessing OSOLE

Dear Ones,
As one reads through OSOLE material,
it is asked that not only eyes and minds be used,
but to listen with hearts as well.  The heart has vastness that
is more far-reaching than the mind and is common ground
 be that with writing, speaking, emotional, intuitive,
mental and/or physical exchange.
It is with purpose that we are all here together
 at this time particular time to experience another
monumental transformation of creation.
Much spiritual growth and development has taken place
 to reach this time and place of now.  Everything that has occurred
 in life has provided opening for soul growth and development; not
being done to us, but providing opportunity for us to grow.

Saturday, June 5, 2004

Open to OSOLE

 Sharing with you,
 Meditation excerpt:
To walk upon the water,
To scale the mountain steep,
To sit beneath a spreading tree,
For there it is we’ll meet.
And we shall talk of many things,
And you shall know and hear,
For in the truth of silence
You will find me ever near.