Thursday, September 29, 2011

Grow Self From Within

Good day dear Ones,

Am being reminded this day and wish to share.
In these times of shift and change, many are looking for
answers and guidance from outer sources; outside of self.
Remember these alternatives serve only as temporary
tools/aids and do not provide our ultimate answer. 
Personal truth lies within us and it is here
that we look and listen for guidance.

Some speak of ‘teaching others’.  Their
truth may or may not be the same as our truth.
We do not teach others, instead we plant seeds we
 understand as truth at this particular time and if
 soil is accepting, the seeds sown may take root.

Please remember when sharing anything with
anyone, at any time, we are growing ourselves.
It matters not if another receives what is given, if
they align with it or not, but that we have acted
from the highest intention of our heart and
shared what we understand as truth.
In doing so, we become more
 of who we are. 

Truth today may be expanded during
personal growth and through passing of time.
Truth can be variable because of this, yet
 truth remains a constant presence
within which teaches and guides
 us into our fullness. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A New OSOLE Website

~ A New OSOLE Website Happening Soon ~

It is a pleasure to announce much needed changes are
in the works for the OSOLE website. The premise of OSOLE
remains the same. Some changes include a new look, a blog
for intercommunication with guests, and an e-book
available for purchase on the site.

The book will be offered in downloadable PDF format, in
multiple languages. The text is a dedicated compilation of
short messages and truths, many in parable form, to help serve
as a reference resource for travelers along the spiritual path.

It is hoped visitors of this site will continue to check
back for both viewing and interaction with the new site.

~ Love and Blessings ~