Friday, December 1, 2006

Child-Like Innocence

~ Child-Like Innocence ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As we become like a child, we become one with OSOLE.
As we return to honesty, simplicity, and purity of
 heart we can once again "see", "hear", and
"feel" truth and love, as a child.

Love is powerful, gentle and pure. Love is the first circle
 of awareness, has no bounds, encompasses all,
integrates with everything, and is at peace everywhere.
A pure and child-like heart holds no assumptions,
 presumptions, judgments, resentments etc.,
only clean clear innocence.

As we move through the circle of life and awareness,
innocence may become lost, but with the passing of time
and experience, we are able to regain our focus and
balance regarding eternal goals.

Success finds us once again reclaiming
 child-like love and innocence, returning to the
beginning – completing the circle of life with