Thursday, December 24, 2009


The birthing of the Christ-man,
Jesus, Logos, Truth, Peace, Light, the Way,

Open fully and acknowledge the christed One
within. Allow this One full reign, personally
and universally.

Prepare for a double blessing,
receipt of conscious awareness of the union,
surrendering all unto this ONE.

~ OSOLE honors the blessings of Christmas ~

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Love Is Forever

~ Love Is Forever ~
Love without expectations
touches heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit
without barriers, and continues on...

Love, given, is always a gift whether
received and understood, or not.
The giver may not be fully aware of the extent
and value the gift has created,
but benefit has been brought to all involved.

One need not have 'specifics' in mind when sharing
such a gift because 'pure' intention and love
always finds its way.

one source of love eternal ~

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


~ Re-Alignment ~
If something shifts, something will change in turn.
Balance is a Universal Law.
If something is removed, something else will fill the void.

As one continues to grow and change,
uncertainty may seemingly appear.

Realize this is only temporal, conceptual perspective,
until which time consciousness is able to re-adjust.

OSOLE remains constant.
As one aligns more closely with
SOURCE, perfection will become clear.

The goal, peace and freedom, awaits -


Monday, June 1, 2009

The Greatest Gift

~ The Greatest Gift ~

The greatest gift one can give
another and/or the Universe is:

to claim and complete the
fullness of self.

Each evolves and heals themselves.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Tryst With OSOLE

~ Tryst With OSOLE ~
Books, seminars, retreats, talk shows, and etc., serve
as tools to assist with guidance, support,
and can help trigger inner spiritual remembrance.

Tools however, are not the answer, not the goal.

Tool collecting can become a lifetime focus,
do remain mindful throughout the collection process.

It is unnecessary to obtain every tool to achieve the
desired outcome. Indeed, an excess of tools may
prove cumbersome and eventually slow growth by
creating a surplus through which to sift.

There comes a time when spiritual tool gathering ceases.
The path in the outer world narrows, allowing the inner
pathway to expand. One finds the inner SOURCE,
Master/Teacher, holds ALL.

When sufficient tools have been obtained,
continue the inward work, honoring and trusting
inner love and truth, trysting with


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


~ Abundance ~
Abundance is a state of consciousness.  One of
 meager physical means may feel blessed and rich in spirit.
When abundance consciousness is lacking, one may attempt
to balance the lack with physical/material wealth.

Physical possessions do not create spiritual
abundance, yet when spiritual richness is attained,
physical needs seem to be met.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven,
and all else shall be added."

As conscious perception shifts, physical simplicity
may suddenly be perceived as 'abundance'.

Spiritual abundance perfectly
counterbalances physical imbalance.

Spiritual and Physical - Heaven and Earth
eventually become ONE.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


~ Mastery ~

The ability to balance right and left brain,
spiritual and physical,
Heaven and Earth.