Sunday, June 1, 2008


~ Faith ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Faith is strengthened by tests and trials, "walking through the fire".

Faith can deepen through prayer, seeking, believing,
and trusting in an all-knowing and loving power.

A change of thought, brought about by a gentle word,
or the beauty of nature, can transport one from
darkness into light, renewing and restoring faith.

To stay in "light" is to be ever diligent, remaining mindful
and conscious of inner thoughts and emotions, as well as
outward environmental/influences. "Light" can quickly fade,
should one "turn away" and/or loose grip or focus.
Remain anchored and maintain faith throughout the
minute, hour, and day.

With practice and patience the faithful seeker will find
refuge, peace and comfort in the love of OSOLE.

Faith knows no bounds, no limits. Aspire, with faith, to as
high as "The Source" is willing to take you, all the
while knowing, freedom awaits.