Saturday, April 1, 2006

Love and Harmony

~ Love and Harmony ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Why are the Masters gathering?

Harmony, Love and Light
Appreciation and Gratitude of Being
Again Completing Another Cycle
Evolving to a Higher Level

We have all come with purpose. No one is greater than another.
We are all equally important, doing our work, holding
our space, learning, sharing and growing.

When we are finally able to fully understand this and  
function from an impersonal perspective, we can  
then come into universal love and harmony.

Are we strong enough yet within our own being to
release "self"?  Are we in a safe enough place yet in which
to do this, and do we actually create the "safe space"
 by our release or vice versa?

~ One Source of Life Eternal;
the eternally safe space of universal love and harmony ~