Friday, December 1, 2006

Child-Like Innocence

~ Child-Like Innocence ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As we become like a child, we become one with OSOLE.
As we return to honesty, simplicity, and purity of
 heart we can once again "see", "hear", and
"feel" truth and love, as a child.

Love is powerful, gentle and pure. Love is the first circle
 of awareness, has no bounds, encompasses all,
integrates with everything, and is at peace everywhere.
A pure and child-like heart holds no assumptions,
 presumptions, judgments, resentments etc.,
only clean clear innocence.

As we move through the circle of life and awareness,
innocence may become lost, but with the passing of time
and experience, we are able to regain our focus and
balance regarding eternal goals.

Success finds us once again reclaiming
 child-like love and innocence, returning to the
beginning – completing the circle of life with


Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Perfectly OSOLE

~ Perfectly OSOLE ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Try to recognize everything is part of OSOLE and OSOLE is within all things.
To learn and grow, we come to understand each person, action, and
thing has certain value and worth. All work together for Divine
purpose and evolvement of the "whole" -- OSOLE.

At times we may embrace "this", and become annoyed by "that".
Later we may be surprised we feel the opposite.  It is our
choice as to how we view people, situations, etc.

Some may become "keepers", close encounters, which prompt on-going
growth and development. Others may offer only brief exchanges to
witness, evaluate, and quickly release without personal attachment.
May we remember to extend a blessing for these people and/or
experiences for the roles they have served in our lives.

Try to honor every person, happening, possession, etc.
that "enters in" as an opportunity/instrument for learning,
a valuable and worthy part of the Divine OSOLE plan.

A reminder, darkness allows us to see light,
just as "negative" provides for "positive" comprehension.
In the universal light of eternity, all is Divine and perfectly


Sunday, October 1, 2006


~ Rest In OSOLE ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

When physical, mental, and emotional pressures of the
world press in closely, rest in OSOLE. When there is
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no outward relief, find
rest in the inner comfort of One Source Of Life Eternal.

OSOLE is ever-present, ever-loving, patient and waiting for
all to step into  peace and harmony of this Life Source.

OSOLE is the only place where eternal peace and comfort will be
found.  Ask to be filled with love of OSOLE and it shall be given.

Brief relief found in worldly joy and pleasure tends to be
just that - temporal - a "topical bandage" providing a "quick fix".
Time and repetition spent with worldly efforts eventually allows
for deeper understanding and realization. It is now time
for OSOLE to become the focus, the answer, the way.

Sincerely and continually seek OSOLE in all things. Look to
this Source from which all is provided. Ask for what is needed
and receive the fullness and richness only OSOLE can supply.
Rest finally, in the peace, love, and abundance of

~ One Source Of Life Eternal ~


Friday, September 1, 2006

Now, A Perfect Time

~ Now, A Perfect Time ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

OSOLE is now calling and asking us to love,
to step into our higher being-ness and function from that vibration.

By releasing old patterns (thoughts, beliefs, actions, etc.),
stepping out of ego, and moving into kindness and forgiveness,
we automatically prepare a space where love can grow and abide.
As this is done personally, so shall it be done universally.

We are given choice and opportunity. We may shift our own energy
and in doing so change the earth energy as well.

Shifting into "higher" gear "now" designates the path we travel next.
Some have already made their choice while others may not
be quite to the "crossroad of decision".

Step into the integrity of your being, hold to the truth
 and love that you are, follow the light of goodness.
In doing so, every soul in every situation
can be brought into fullness and unity with OSOLE.

~ We can now bridge Heaven and Earth and make the lights
‘ONE’ ~


Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Clear Your Stream

~ Clear Your Stream ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Clear your stream of clutter and confusion.
One need only clear their own stream, not the stream of others.
Much useless debris can enter in,
wisdom shows us how to sort wheat from chaff.

It is time to step forward in our own truth and wisdom -
not as a polluted stream with other's debris mixed in,
but as a clean, free-flowing channel.

We have served well and long in "the trenches".
It is time to "step up" and "out", view where we have been,
and move into another aspect of life and livingness.

Take along kindness and compassion,
always the grace of goodness shall prevail.
Tarry not with those who "refuse" or are "unable" to see,
their light will be shown and given in another way.
We will "feel" the path clearly within our heart,
it is familiar, one of peace and comfort.

~ Flow with OSOLE ~

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Thank You From OSOLE

~ Thank You From OSOLE ~

Dear Brothers and Sisters, fellow LightWorkers of Love,

It is with deep sincerity and gratitude that we come to you
in thanksgiving for the selfless and loving service you provide.

The Universe is in receipt of blessings because of your presence.

At times some people may overlook your loving efforts
perhaps because they are overwhelmed with their own concerns.
Please be assured and take comfort in knowing even the slightest
act of kindness or loving thought extended is documented
and never forgotten throughout eternity.

To keep giving, when the well is dry, is a true test.
A blessing is shared this moment.
May this cup keep you from thirsting forevermore
and provide a knowingness within your heart of a job well done.
~ So it is - so shall it ever be ~

Thank you all,


Thursday, June 1, 2006


~ Grace ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Suffering builds a compassionate heart.
Through sincere seeking wewill be guided and shown.
 Keeping love within our hearts we are able to touch others in
 meaningful ways. By "asking" we create a vibration allowing us to receive.
  In these actions we are all "part of the process/progress".

Grace Enters:
"The unmerited love and favor of God toward man -
a special virtue given to a person by God."

Divine intervention/grace can bring deeper understanding,
 comfort, and healing "when" and "where" needed to assist
 man in his efforts and spiritual journey.

 "Seek", "Ask", "Listen", and "Trust" Osole.

~ One Source of Life Eternal ~

Monday, May 1, 2006

Caretaking - Ownership

~ Caretaking – Ownership ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Are we recognized and known by our "essence",
or by "things" and "power" we acquire?

Do we identify ourselves and others by energetic vibrations we "are/own",
or by our physical environment which we merely "take care of"?

During a lifetime upon earth we obtain "tangibles"; a body, home, auto, and etc.
While here we become "caretakers" holding legal right and lawful title
 to temporal items only until time of departure.

"Real ownership" however is spiritual in nature for it includes aspects of being
which we truly possess and remain with us throughout eternity;
love, peace, truth, understanding, and etc.

Wise and mindful "life choices" regarding our time, thought, and effort applied
will bring spiritual possessions/abundance, a crown full of jewels.

~ One Source of Life Eternal,
a wise and mindful choice ~

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Love and Harmony

~ Love and Harmony ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Why are the Masters gathering?

Harmony, Love and Light
Appreciation and Gratitude of Being
Again Completing Another Cycle
Evolving to a Higher Level

We have all come with purpose. No one is greater than another.
We are all equally important, doing our work, holding
our space, learning, sharing and growing.

When we are finally able to fully understand this and  
function from an impersonal perspective, we can  
then come into universal love and harmony.

Are we strong enough yet within our own being to
release "self"?  Are we in a safe enough place yet in which
to do this, and do we actually create the "safe space"
 by our release or vice versa?

~ One Source of Life Eternal;
the eternally safe space of universal love and harmony ~


Wednesday, March 1, 2006

One Light

~ One Light ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Praying hands, the grasp of life, the grasp of Heaven
 going forth from there to here and back again. 
Let the light shine from Earth into Heaven and from Heaven
into Earth.  Make the lights One light and our vision is complete,
in Heaven and in Earth.  (‘IN’ Earth, not ‘on’ Earth, there is
a difference – ‘in’ the body/physical form.  Reference;
King James version ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.)
As our light become brighter and distance between the worlds
lessens, connection with spirit becomes more clear and real. 
We come to understand ‘direction’ is from Heaven
and ‘power’ lies ‘in’ Earth.
So it is with the Universe and with our own being.
We access the Divine for inspiration and guidance while
manifestation occurs within the body and Earth.
Lights become ONE through the heart, passageway to OSOLE. 
Blessed be the tie that binds forever more.
~ OSOLE, One Light,
One Source of Life Eternal ~

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Constant Movement

~ Constant Movement ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As changes and shifts occur in our lives, we can become disrupted.
When familiar things are removed and replaced by new
we may tend to focus upon the loss and/or addition
in an effort to adjust thoughts and actions.
Perhaps in doing so, we overlook a valuable aspect,
the actual "shift/change" itself.

If we choose to view the shift rather than the outcome
it creates, we immediately obtain benefit, realizing
movement and growth is happening.

As a result we are able to act and react
in a more impersonal manner with less attachment,
minimizing both adjustment and disruption.

Observing the shift/change it self may be a beneficial
focus and key to knowledge gained.

One Source of Life Eternal
is constant movement ~


Sunday, January 1, 2006

Conscious Intentions

~ Conscious Intentions ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Prayer (loving thought, desire, and
intentional vibrational energy) when sent out can  
aid other’s healing.  The reverse is also true.

Both vibrations cause reaction
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

When kind words are spoken with unkind undercurrents,
ears may hear the words, but the heart and soul 
  may not response to the energy behind them.
Intentions begin to overshadow words as we realize
communication takes place on multiple levels.
Spiritual growth affords awareness of our
actions toward ourselves and others. Let us remember
 to be mindful of inner thoughts and intentions. These are mental
actions for which we are accountable as they deeply affect
our own being, those around us, and the entire universe.

One Source of Life Eternal
extends loving intentions, may we respond in kind ~