Sunday, April 1, 2007

OSOLE Awareness

~ OSOLE Awareness ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Beyond every word, past every action is another
 perception and understanding.  Awareness
enables us to step into this (spiritual) "sense".
 We begin to realize (the) duality (of everything) –
experiencing things from an earthly perspective while
simultaneously recognizing the spiritual counterpart.
How is it we can bear witness to separate realities at
the same time?  How does one convey spiritual sense/reality
with human words and actions?  Perhaps it is unnecessary
to try? Each shall arrive at their own place in their
own time. Universal inner understanding no longer
requires the same outward expressions.
Unspoken "spiritual sense" becomes confirmation.
In this space, peace and love abides.
One walks "in harmony" with the totality of
the Universe - OSOLE.  Atonement, perfection, beauty,
 balance, and purpose of existence occurs. Be it a
 "split-second" glimpse or a "continual way of life",
when such vastness, love, perfection, and harmony
is experienced, life is never quite the same.

~ OSOLE touches in love, with grace.  May we
remember to give "thanks" and "gratitude" always ~