Friday, May 1, 2015

Abundance Consciousness

Good day,

Abundance consciousness is a state-of-mind
containing awareness, comprehension, and acceptance
that universal supply is unlimited, accessible for all, and
through such Source, needs are met and fulfilled!

Peace and comfort accompany this state-of-being
along with the understanding all is provided, taken care of,
until and throughout transition, even unto eternity!

Accumulation of material possessions while
in Earth can be pleasing to physical senses, but do
they create a deeper Divine connection?

Interest in and appeal of acquired assets
may diminish over time causing an increased desire for
more, newer up-grades, and/or replacements.  Ones with this
consciousness may amass sizeable physical holdings throughout life
and be viewed as successful!  Please note:  This is not the same as
having abundance consciousness!  Material fortune may interfere
or deter one from attaining abundance consciousness since
external luxuries can distract the eye and attention
making it difficult to maintain a spiritual focus!

Do not confuse tangible abundance with
abundance consciousness!  The word abundance relates
to more than monetary resources!  In other words, a financially
affluent person may not possess an abundance consciousness, yet one
of few earthly acquirements may contain the wealth of the Universe! 

Life aspirations are an individual choice, choose mindfully!  Material
prosperity abounds, yet inner-spiritual-riches; treasures within
the soul, remain when the mortal body ceases to exist.
We are temporary caretakers of anything else
acquired while in physical form.

By attaining abundance consciousness prior
to monetary wealth, one is able to maintain detached
neutrality [save thanksgiving, gratitude, and appreciation]
 regarding gifts received, removed and/or withheld.  Such
spiritual wisdom provides grounding and balance concerning universal
 abundance, wealth is shared to benefit humanity, and one remains
 free, neither tied-to nor servant-of any physical-god!

~ Abundance is with you ~


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