Monday, September 1, 2014


Good day,

There is no reason for concern,
for what has been does not return.

  It is newness now of things gone by,
always looking with a clean, clear eye.

 Step forward in grace, step forward in peace
and assuredness for every step will be in accord
with the path that the Masters walk.

We tread the same space and we work
 with the same struggles.  It’s not that
the journey is smooth at all times. 
What is perfect is the understanding
and the consciousness. 

As one moves into peace with consciousness,
as one moves into peace, they experience
the perfection of Heaven, the freedom
of love and purity of light.

Consciousness determines our level of
peace and perfection.  It comes in its own time
 and as we move toward it, and then into it,
 it becomes us and then we radiate it.

 It is not a process that happens overnight. 
It’s not that we step into a space and it is perfect. 
Perfection is something that is grown. 
It is grown within the individual. 
It is a process whereby all come in their own time. 
We stand with you, hold vigil with you
 and walk beside you.

~ Blessings and Peace ~


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