Saturday, February 22, 2020

Regain Balance

~ OSOLE Message ~

Artificial intelligence, new forms of transportation [airborne
and underground], robotics, medical and scientific
breakthroughs; technology in every area seems
to be advancing at break-neck speeds!

Are such rapid and amazing advancements
 reminiscent of history?  Are we actually
 experiencing/living dejavue?  
For some the similarity/pattern
 is unmistakable!

When we witness technology today
compared to even fifty years ago, the increase
 is almost beyond comprehension.

Is it too early or too late to ask
if spirituality has kept the same pace?
 Can spirituality catch-up in order
to attain and maintain universal balance?

 Balance is a universal law. 
The pendulum may swing off center,
but not too far, or for not too long and
then a degree of balance must resume

Seriously, short of Mother Earth stepping in,
 [weather, disasters, and pestilence] what is required
 to once again level the playing field [Earth]?  Is humankind
altruistic enough, loving enough, wise enough [not talking scientific
intelligence], enlightened enough to regain balance in Earth?
  For how long must history continue to repeat?

As humanity becomes more humane, i.e. spiritually
evolved/aware; honors and respects earth, air, water, all
 living creatures [animals and people], ceases warring, intolerance,
 judgment, etc toward others, plague, dis-ease, and natural
[and unnatural] disasters will be non-existent.

This is not meant to be negative, instead a
wake-up call to dig deeper spiritually!  What are
the priorities, the everlasting desire?  Does meditation
include ‘eternal’ goals or only immediate wishes/gratification? 
What goes into the ‘hopper’ today will manifest tomorrow! 
Same old, or something new, elevated, and universally grand?

One Source of Life Eternal
A new design to redefine
the consciousness of mankind

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