Thursday, October 1, 2015

Points to Ponder

Good day,
Manifest:  Make clear or evident;
 show plainly, reveal; prove, be evident.
Create:  Cause to come into existence, bring into
being, make, originate.  To bring about, give rise to.
Co-create:  Together create in unison.
Human will and human desire. 
Divine will and Divine desire.
Prayer can be personal or universal,
ego or spirit-based, perhaps at times, both.
 Ego-based indicates a personal attachment to desires,
 dreams, and wishes.  Spirit-based is unattached, disinterested
in reason, cause, action, instead trusts completely in a perfect
 outcome, however that may humanly appear/arrive.
 Non-attachment gives Source free-reign/rein.
  Surrendering into Source allows co-creation to
 occur without interference from ego.  Asking Source to
 answer personal wishes, desires, and dreams can be considered
 co-creating, at a particular level as Source complies to fulfill human
 desire.  As dreams and wishes manifest, we tend to believe we have
been instrumental in bringing them into being.  It is true, we
prayed, Source heard, and accommodated our prayer!
 We co-created and our desire manifested!
 Eventually ones come to realize their answered prayer,
while appreciated, may be temporal with limited perspective,
 when personally conceived.  Human prayer can be selfless and benevolent,
relative to human understanding, but is generally incapable of infinite wisdom
 and unlimited perspective.  As a result, the consummated prayer may lack
 the eternal fulfillment desired for some intangible aspect of being-ness
 is still unsatisfied.  Remaining open and accepting of spirit’s
presence, yet humanly unattached, neutral, and no
 longer projecting human will, [except to align with
Divinity], provides a malleable, mutable
conduit through whom a higher degree of co-creation
can take place.  When Thy will is done, perfection is manifest. 
Spirit activates more fully and freely within neutral physical form,
 after human desire, will, and resistance surrenders.  In this way Heaven
[spirit] manifests in [Earth] physicality and become One!
~ Blessings and Peace ~

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