Monday, June 1, 2015


Good day,
Metamorphosis:  “A change of physical form,
structure, or substance esp. by supernatural means; also,
striking alternation as in appearance or character.”

As consciousness continues to be altered and amped up,
 the body must respond in kind, and this is what is occurring.
 The body is adjusting to new thought process and awareness.
 As awareness broadens, realizing all is in perfection and
 healing is constantly available throughout every aspect
 of being, the body responds to these thought energy
 patterns that are now being up-graded.

Nothing in the Universe stays the same.
 We pass through this process by way of our own
faith and trust [in Source energy], determination, and
 inner soul-strength we have acquired throughout lifetimes!
Congestion, constriction, discomfort, dis-ease, etc., can
 manifest in bones, tissues, organs, glands, etc., anywhere
 in the body where dross and darkness has accumulated.
 In order to attain purity, old residual leftovers need
acknowledgement, healing, clearing, and release.

Thought patterns, sleep, activities, eating habits,
and etc., all require up-graded changes to accommodate
 and keep pace with new energy entering now!  As awareness
increases so do sensitivity levels which allows for greater
conscious access of dis-eased areas.  Thus, enhanced
levels of spiritual self-healing are possible.

Thoughts to consider:
v  Retain faith and trust in Source-energy
v  Maintain determination and inner strength
attained throughout the passage of time.
v  Fear not the current metamorphic process.
 There is no need to decipher, evaluate, and/or
understand it, just accept and experience it,
knowing the outcome will be newness!
v  Look to Source-energy [within] for answers,
 direction, counsel, and comfort. 

Metaphorically speaking:
v  Be open to allow re-wiring of being.  Do not cling
to past patterns and old familiarities – newness now!
v  We are passing through an agility course [so to speak].
 Negotiate hurdles mindfully, fully conscious, no matter
 how challenging and/or strenuous.  When done,
 directly release any injuries incurred!
v  Bless and heal even shallow scars as quickly
 as possible, do not let wounds fester and/or enlarge!

As the body changes, extra rest is helpful,
 along with continued projection of thoughts and
 memories of healing and perfection.  The body will respond!
Be gentle with self while continuing to witness, partake, and
 revere this incredible metamorphic process of re-structuring
and transformation of your own temple-dwelling!

~ Blessings ~

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