Friday, September 1, 2017

You are the Victor!

Good day,

Last month’s message referenced
holding intention for the highest good of all.
This month expands upon the August blog.

Altruistic intentions are usually born within an
 open and loving heart.  Next, physical effort is required to
 implement/manifest the intention, and finally achievement results!

 Physical outcome can sometimes be considered the primary goal.
 Success is often associated with an affirmative conclusion.  What
unfolds in physical reality can manifest slightly differently
 than originally intended and can actually be, beside the
point.  Results are important but maybe not so
 much when viewed from another perspective.

Observe progression from an overview,
with a new-light perception!  You extend true
 and loving intention, effort, and attain achievement [even
 if somewhat different than anticipated]!  Others could possibly
derive benefit by such loving intention and effort, but whether they
do, or not, has no bearing on your soul’s victory!  In other words,
 you are the victor no matter how the sequence unfolds.  Your
 honorable intention and action has been of high vibration.  
So now the point shifts, and instead becomes a personal
 soul victory regardless of the outcome, which in turn
moves you forward victoriously free in heart!

~ Live the peace, love, light, and
truth that you are ~
One Source of Life Eternal
A new design to redefine
the consciousness of mankind