Dear Ones,
If the goal/intention is that the highest good for ALL
is to be manifest, ego concedes! Human
consciousness is rapidly
expanding, but has
yet to attain full unity with the Over-Soul and
and Christ-Consciousness
[and abundance-consciousness similarly,
is not amassing gold
bullion in pocketbooks, instead gently
tucking treasures of love and truth within the soul].
As perspectives and awareness elevate,
the past becomes less
significant, and accurate
projection of the future is speculative.
Recycling OLD thoughts/concepts
with 3D perception restricts future possibilities and
recreates the SAME OLD. Even considering expanded mass
understanding, humankind
still has finite insight and therefore
unable to fully, and accurately,
ascertain future outcome.
During this intermediary time [transitioning between
conscious levels of
understanding], grace assists by keeping the
mind more centered upon present concerns rather than what was,
or what will be. This is a blessing by minimizing old needless
Leaving familiarity and stepping forward into uncharted
waters can
cause one to feel a bit lost, uncertain, and somewhat like
in circles without
exact direction or point of reference. This
precisely ideal because
whatever the focus might have
been until now, may not at all be what
tomorrow will
actually consist of!
The expanded gap
during such transition can
manifest as mental fogginess, forgetfulness, and/or void;
worry not. Scattered and/or vague human/ego concepts may
be spiritual-interception, so to speak, which allows increased
spiritual insight to
enter. Now is an especially important
time to listen closely within for/to inner guidance.
Higher Self,
Universal Consciousness, Source-Energy
will impress and
inspire when, how, and where to move forward.
Permit the human mind
to be fluid, unoccupied, unfocused, and even
somewhat vacant to readily facilitate inflow of Divine
guidance. The
primary focus needed
now is that the highest good for all, be
This hugely simple goal allows the now-moment to be a bright, loving
and truthful space. The combination of such human loving
with unobstructed flow of Supreme
Universal Source; Spirit
Divine, creates a magical and glorious tomorrow!
~ Live the peace, love, light, and
truth that you are ~
One Source of Life Eternal
A new design to redefine
the consciousness of mankind
Below, links of love;
Channeling by Brenda Hoffman:
Summary of Brenda’s ‘Creative
Energies’ show: