Monday, May 1, 2017

The Newest Living Testament

Good day dear Ones,

The OSOLE message today is a simple concept.
Acceptance and application may take only a minute.

The Bible is the reference point for explanation. 

In the Old Testament, Moses physically went up into
 the mountains, [symbolically denoting a higher region] and
 while in this ‘higher place’ [consciousness, as well as physically]
 obtained [from an external Source] God-given information:
 The Ten Commandments.  He descended the mountain to
share tangible tablets that contained spiritual truths.

In the New Testament, Jesus physically embodied,
 exemplified, and lived the truths/principles/commandments
 previously written in stone.  He also told and showed that
God is within, and each is able to access Source-power,
the ‘higher place’, within their own closet.

Now is a time for a Newer Testament/Dispensation
 to manifest; an expanded edition, if you will!

When applying and living doctrines spiritual masters
  taught, and consciously combining and integrating Heaven/spirit
 and Earth/physicality, a new reality is created.  Seek deeper
 inner connection with Source through the higher-self,
 the christed-one who dwells within.

Some reference Jesus as: The Christ, yet with
 another perspective Jesus was one who was christed,
 [verb, adjective, or adverb rather than a noun or direct object]!
 Jesus was christed and those who honor, live, trust, and adhere to the
same higher-essence within, [to the level He did] become christed.
 Such attainment moves one up, out, and beyond confines of
3D reality, creating a higher vibration of existence. 
Spiritual masters exemplified this!

 This is what lies before us; it is our turn!
Living said principles, we create a sequel to the Bible!
 Right now we are transcending Revelations, the last written
 chapter within the Bible, and in such an accomplishment, we are
 becoming The Newest Living Testament; The New Jerusalem!

~ Rest in the peace, the love, the light,
and the truth that you are ~