Monday, August 1, 2016

Release and Allow, It Shall Be Done

Good day,
Human will and desire can interrupt the flow of
Source energy and higher-self guidance.  As ego dissolves
and releases physical attachments, this allows Source
to become prominent and dominant.
Spirit looks for light, intention, and purity of heart
 within physicality.  When human intention and action comes into
alignment with light, wholeness takes place on all levels. 
Complete healing happens from the inside out!
Some may recall mention; external
disease is not the threat, inward dis-ease is! 
Included; karmic residuals, mental and emotional issues;
 judgment, anger, resentment, jealously, anything less-than light.
When in body, physicality is generally a major focus, often at the
 expense of forsaking attention to/of the inner spiritual being.
After releasing self-will and consciously desiring that
 human willpower align with Source-light, we
recognize our actions and thoughts are
actually spirit working through us!
  Personal planning and projection
 [what, when, how], becomes inconsequential and
 is replaced with trust that Source conveys everything
 needed at each given moment!  Human-freedom results
from such understanding; welcoming Source.  Mind and
 body finally rest and settle into the peace of Divinity. 
In essence; when reaching the time of now, it is no
 longer so much what one does or does not do,
 but instead recognizing and accepting all is
being done, unto and through you!
~ Blessings ~