Friday, July 1, 2016


Good day,

Balance is a universal law, as in back
and forth, ebb and flow, birth and death, etc.
During accelerated growth balance may be temporarily
disrupted, but eventually resumes/regains equilibrium.
The OSOLE symbol exemplifies imbalance with an
exaggerated ascending triangle depicting need
for an increased rise in spirituality!

Science and medicine advance rapidly,
with wondrous and incredible technology!  It is equally
important however, that spirituality evolve commensurate
with regard to innovative aspects that influence our world.  New
scientific exploration is amazing, as is uncovering ancient artifacts,
but do such breakthroughs promote and accelerate harmony,
peace, and balance within current worldwide existence?

Hopefully advanced discoveries elevate spiritual mass
consciousness, and that love, consideration, compassion, etc., increase
proportionately to provide needed shelter, water, and fill empty stomachs.
May Earth and individual lives become spiritually enriched as a
result of such studies so we maintain universal balance.
Perhaps Atlantis can serve as reference?

Balance is delicate and will ultimately be achieved!
Again, intervals of imbalance occur but will be brought into
accord either by intentional choice or universal government.

Be ever mindful of self, others, and Earth while striving to attain
added growth, development, peace, understanding, and overall balance.

Blessings and Peace