Thursday, December 1, 2016

Change is on the Horizon

Good day dear Ones,

OSOLE is taking a short sabbatical as this year comes to a close. 
In this significantly powerful time, the OSOLE server is down; without explanation!
 Human beings, as well as technical equipment try to acclimate to new energies.
 So during this interim OSOLE will take pause between the out-breath
 of the old year, while preparing for in-breath of the new!

December Blog:

As 2016 [numerically a ‘nine’ year, i.e.; completion]
comes to a close, 2017 [numerically a ‘one’ year indicating
beginning/newness] is upon the horizon, and much is in a state of shift and
change, individually and globally.  Personal challenges Lightworkers are presently
experiencing, whether mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically, is a
phasing-out of old-energy-struggle; and providing opportunity to process,
[lovingly bless, heal, and dissolve] old human constraints and
restrictions that have been deeply rooted within.

 As one experiences human challenges first-hand, and
integrates the wisdom derived from living the struggle, they
are equipped to assist others experiencing similar trials who
may be in need of counsel, support, and understanding.

  ‘Living through’ struggle creates an altered energy,
an ‘earned’ insight, wisdom, compassion and understanding
attained from having first-hand experience!  When completed, the
‘earned’ energy/wisdom carries forward through lifetimes and therefore
 need not be repeated.  Just a spoken truth can activate remembrance within
another who already is or carries such wisdom.  Others may hear truth and
agree, yet if they have not ‘lived’ and integrated the experience, they may
choose to ‘own’ that truth, but they do not yet embody that truth.     
Embodied energy, resonates differently in others than clinical theory
 which is believed, understood, and eloquently spoken/delivered.

Intellectualizing truth is not the same as ‘being’ it!
Lightworkers remember, as you move through and complete
 personal challenges that in addition to healing self, added strength,
 compassion, and understanding is being gained which is helpful in assisting
others to heal.  The journey has been long and arduous, but with
 immeasurable gain!  As we become wholly aware of our
awareness/being-ness, all shall be revealed!

 May your holidays and New Year be filled with
 Divine love, light, peace, healing, and enlightened consciousness!

Peace in Earth

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

3D & 5D Gap

~ Good day ~

Does short and/or long-term memory seem compromised
at times?  Is thinking somewhat foggy?  Are simple everyday activities,
and things that were once important, now feeling insignificant?

Such sensations may actually be separation from 3D consciousness.
 When one is fully connected with/to the earthly plane, focus
 is 3D; embroiled in whatever the world offers.

  When there is less interaction with earthly functions, and attention
  is to establish an expanded 5D connection, a gap of disassociation occurs.  
As a result, retention of needless 3D information becomes unimportant
and is accompanied with a physically spacey and disconnected
 sense regarding earthly thought process and activity.

 Hence; memory concerning mundane action
 becomes less important.  Material achievement and mental
attention is relevant only in the moment.

Therefore, if the mind seems disengaged and/or disoriented at times
regarding 3D memory, worry not.  Consciousness may just be accessing a new
 dimension, and the psyche releasing useless clutter that no longer serves!
Accessing Heaven while in Earth?!?!

~ Blessings ~

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Good day,

Last month OSOLE addressed how
 old energy no longer applies in the NOW.

Ideas associated with physical existence
 need not linger longer than one chooses.  It may be
difficult to accomplish a 180 degree change overnight, yet
the option now becomes reality for some.  Our relationship to
everyday challenges, people, places, even our own thoughts now
adjust to newness!  Some arrive at this much-awaited juncture,
having grown themselves forward toward NOW for lifetimes.
It is a choice how we view the earthly plane.  When one
  understands that lifetimes of challenge have served as a means to
this end, [not an end to life, or existence, but to this point of NOW], one
 transcends into a different consciousness!  When one has completed that which
 they have come to do this lifetime, old energies no longer need to tether and bind!

Consider:  Each endures lifetimes to reach now and might assume that to
 attain completion may require additional pain, strain, and adversity!
  This need not be so!  If the journey thus far has perhaps been a
rough and rocky ascent, it is reasonable to presume the
home stretch may be the most arduous, when
it can be simply straightforward!

The final-phase need not entail struggle.
  Consider:  First base required desire, focus, and effort.
 A more substantial drive was needed to reach second and third
base, but finally, as a result of sheer determination and fortitude,
 we are now equipped with growth-laden energies which
actually propel us toward home base!

  When we sufficiently close the gap, it becomes possible to  
slide home!  Some are within sliding distance NOW!  The same
technology/approach [thought, determination, and focus] essential
to navigate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases no longer applies!
 We can now be home-FREE!  

~ Blessings ~

Thursday, September 1, 2016

New Now

Good day,

We have read similar messages over the years.
Each description contains some degree of personal inflection,
 but the objective remains consistent.  In a nutshell:

We are done with the old.
Newness is now.
Physicality, as we have come
to view it, is not true reality.
Possibilities are limitless!

Hopefully the following contains
an energy capable of infusing deeper veracity so
 that conveyance is not just understood, but integrated.

This life [many lifetimes, (growth prompting experiences)
within the physical plane] is not who we ARE, and
the manner in which we have been compelled
to perceive and act is coming to a close.

When we arrive at now, consciousness shifts, and
 energy feeds newness rather than ‘that which has been’!
 We have endured, outlived, and completed tests old
energy has brought and taught!  Done!

What we appear to be, and have accepted as ‘us’,
 is not who we are!  We have been restricted, deceived,
and shaped by human experience(s), then cloaked
with our interpretation of said experiences.

Now; is maintaining our true essence  
 in the midst of whatever is presented!

Until reaching the time of now,
we have been required to cope and adjust to  
confines imposed by earthly energies in order to interact
and survive within Earth!  Now is the time when the foundation,
that has imposed erroneous beliefs causing humanly manufactured
 existence, is inadequate to support and sustain newness that arrives! 
External actions no longer activate/stimulate inward response and
 instead awareness recognizes new reality.  [Note August OSOLE
revised blog regarding: ‘it’ being done through and to us].  
Now arrives when we are prepared and can accept,
claim, and live the true essence of ourselves!

~ Blessings ~

Monday, August 1, 2016

Release and Allow, It Shall Be Done

Good day,
Human will and desire can interrupt the flow of
Source energy and higher-self guidance.  As ego dissolves
and releases physical attachments, this allows Source
to become prominent and dominant.
Spirit looks for light, intention, and purity of heart
 within physicality.  When human intention and action comes into
alignment with light, wholeness takes place on all levels. 
Complete healing happens from the inside out!
Some may recall mention; external
disease is not the threat, inward dis-ease is! 
Included; karmic residuals, mental and emotional issues;
 judgment, anger, resentment, jealously, anything less-than light.
When in body, physicality is generally a major focus, often at the
 expense of forsaking attention to/of the inner spiritual being.
After releasing self-will and consciously desiring that
 human willpower align with Source-light, we
recognize our actions and thoughts are
actually spirit working through us!
  Personal planning and projection
 [what, when, how], becomes inconsequential and
 is replaced with trust that Source conveys everything
 needed at each given moment!  Human-freedom results
from such understanding; welcoming Source.  Mind and
 body finally rest and settle into the peace of Divinity. 
In essence; when reaching the time of now, it is no
 longer so much what one does or does not do,
 but instead recognizing and accepting all is
being done, unto and through you!
~ Blessings ~

Friday, July 1, 2016


Good day,

Balance is a universal law, as in back
and forth, ebb and flow, birth and death, etc.
During accelerated growth balance may be temporarily
disrupted, but eventually resumes/regains equilibrium.
The OSOLE symbol exemplifies imbalance with an
exaggerated ascending triangle depicting need
for an increased rise in spirituality!

Science and medicine advance rapidly,
with wondrous and incredible technology!  It is equally
important however, that spirituality evolve commensurate
with regard to innovative aspects that influence our world.  New
scientific exploration is amazing, as is uncovering ancient artifacts,
but do such breakthroughs promote and accelerate harmony,
peace, and balance within current worldwide existence?

Hopefully advanced discoveries elevate spiritual mass
consciousness, and that love, consideration, compassion, etc., increase
proportionately to provide needed shelter, water, and fill empty stomachs.
May Earth and individual lives become spiritually enriched as a
result of such studies so we maintain universal balance.
Perhaps Atlantis can serve as reference?

Balance is delicate and will ultimately be achieved!
Again, intervals of imbalance occur but will be brought into
accord either by intentional choice or universal government.

Be ever mindful of self, others, and Earth while striving to attain
added growth, development, peace, understanding, and overall balance.

Blessings and Peace

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

For Consideration

Good day,
In order to bridge Heaven and Earth,
 and make them one, elements from both planes
 of existence need to meld.  Spirit supplies higher resonance
 and wisdom but requires a vehicle in order to physically manifest.
 We human beings are a means by which Divinity can function ‘in earth’.
However, limited conscious awareness and perhaps the lack of fully
honoring Source energy’s presence, guidance, and messages has
compromised total success of such interexchange and effort.
Keep feet upon Earth while raising consciousness to
access Heavenly vibration and direction.
The question for consideration is:
In order to bridge the two worlds, how would spirit
 manifest without physicality, and could Earth and those
living in earth, exist without spirit?!?!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A Gift

Good day
After experiencing what seems to have
 been empty darkness and one is finally filled,
 what thrills is that there is change; Divine activity, not
so much what the change brings, but the very action itself!
In other words, neither focus nor attach to the outcome, although
certainly recognized and appreciated, but the supreme gift is the deeper
union with Source that results and resides from Divine movement itself!
Rain is certainly appreciated after being in the arid desert,
but the fact that rain was granted is gift unto itself!
In such Divine action, we are all blessed!

Friday, April 1, 2016

New Life

Good day,
I recently came across the
following excerpt from a book
shared by a patron in the early 70’s.
I cannot recall the name of the book and
 therefore unable to identify the author,
but this was the nugget of truth the
book held for me.  Hope you
find it valuable as well.
He comes to realize the deeper
meaning of the great paradox:  “He that
would save his life must lose it.”  It seems to him
to be real death… for the self, the only form of life he
knows, must disappear, and therefore, he believes its collapse
is death.  Thus, he believes he faces the end of his life…
It is true, indeed, that one must lose that which
seems to be his life – the system of mistaken
ideas and values which are embodied in
his ego – in order to really live, to
release into life the creative,
enriching, productive
powers of the
true self…
[author unknown]
Some are living this
experience at this particular time.
Shifting away from familiarity into newness
as we are being restructured and recalibrated
 to receive higher frequencies/vibrations/energies.
This process can literally feel like death, and as
stated above – a dying of ego-self  -
into our higher-self. 
At such time, it can be difficult
to determine which aspect of be-ing is dying.
Death feels real for it is integrated throughout the
be-ing we have known as; ourselves.  Faith and acceptance
 become allies during such challenges, and a deepening
trust that new life shall be viewed with fresh
 vision and an ever-expanding heart.
Happy spring, joyous new life!