Tuesday, December 1, 2015

On Hold or Divine Intervention

 Good day,
We presently are in what might feel like a
holding pattern.  Even though there is movement,
much may feel stagnant.  Allotment of such time is for
increased transformation.  There is familiarity in what has been,
 but recycling antiquated views, actions, beliefs, etc. no longer produces
the same results.  Outdated habits and routine die hard, so try to
 remain open and receptive to newness and incorporate fresh
  insights, attitudes, and action accordingly.  This seemingly
 motionlessness allows the body, mind, and emotions
 juncture to reorganize and stabilize.
Uncertainty can occur when evolving beyond
 familiarity and sufficient time is required to acclimate.
  Thus far, the extent of newness is not fully recognizable, yet
we witness and experience change all around.  This gift of pause
 provides time to adjust and gain balance for upcoming, accelerated,
 forward movement and deepening transformation.  Metamorphosis
may be imperceptible during the process itself, [like being in the
eye of a hurricane] but our deepest core fibers are currently
 being re-calibrated and restructured.  The outcome of
of completing such a cyclic stage, is that priorities,
perspective, and focus are transformed!
Example:  Disruption takes place during
the remodeling of a house.  Interior and exterior are
in disarray throughout the re-structuring process.  Contents are
 displaced and in unfamiliar places.  Even the simplest of chores requires
additional attention and effort and results may not be as satisfying as in
the past.  Undesirable debris accumulates during creation, and disorder
requires frequent cleanup and reorganization.  Mental, emotional, and
 physical discomfort and confusion occurs until the new project is
complete.  So it is with human-body-houses, but ultimately
the new structure is filled with obvious improvement!
At such times, some may opt to slip into
another dimension, either while awake or during sleep,
  for relief from construction.  Out-of-body connections with
the world of spirit and a thinning of the veil between worlds
allows for lucid intercommunication of messages and
enhanced interaction with spiritual beings.
Stay open and receptive to Divine guidance.  
Release archaic human patterns.  Eradicate preconceived
 notions and/or expectations of what tomorrow’s horizon might
include thereby allowing consciousness to be clear and clean for inflow
 of infinite possibilities that may well exceed what individual awareness
is able to envision.  The current respite [permit for alteration and
 integration], will again recede so meanwhile rest, give thanks for
this interim of fine-tuning, and honor the wise, all-loving-
presence within who continues to extensively prepare
physicality for unlimited Cosmic expression.
~ In Reverence ~