Sunday, March 1, 2015

Healing Blessings

Good day,
The entry today is lengthier
than usual.  Perhaps the enclosed
  suggestions can help bring reassurance and
support for those experiencing concern or a sense
 of imbalance and/or uncertainty at this time.
Almost as if by grace, conscious awareness
and insight continues to rise.  A literal infusion
 of Divine-light-energy is currently entering and altering
body, mind, soul, and spirit!  Mind, soul, and spirit are
certainly in appreciation and thanksgiving however,
the density of body may be struggling to keep
 pace with the rapid energy adjustments.
For those already living with health limitations,
new energetic up-grades may be more challenging.
 We now have opportunity to access and utilize deeper
understanding and healing modalities we already possess!
Faith and trust are especially advantageous when moving
into uncertainty of newness.  In our on-going dedicated
efforts, we have been discovering, blessing, cleaning,
clearing, and dissolving old inner wounds rooted
 within multi-layers of our being.  Painful injuries
 accumulate over lifetimes and become deeply
 embedded within DNA/cellular memory.
 Excavation is our responsibility!
Initially injuries felt painfully real,
 but that time is now gone.  In other words,
the cause no longer exists and any lingering effects
 need not be retained longer than necessary!  Try to remain
 in thanksgiving at all times and realize tests and trials arrive
to prompt soul growth and development.  Harboring painful
old memories after lessons are learned serves no purpose!
  Instead project higher-spiritual-awareness [light-energy
entering now] into troubled area(s) for transmutation!
  Trust, faith, hope, gratitude, love and appreciation
transmutes fear, worry, concern, dis-ease and
 discomfort.  After transmutation, one may still
 experience lingering phantom symptoms
associated with old trauma(s).
Suggestions regarding transmutation below:
v  Begin by sincerely acknowledging the pain.
v  Set forth a loving healing intention.
v  Bless the discomfort for surfacing,
thereby becoming a conscious reality.
When injuries/damages are recognized,
we can address them.
v  Examine both cause and result of the injury.
v  Objectively observe from a personal and
   impersonal perspective if possible, from
  the time of inception until present.
v  Project healing energy into the affected
v  Reassure the body the discomfort is
   merely an imprinted leftover.
The cause no longer exists therefore; no
  need to retain reaction and/or memory
    of it.  Bless it, release it, and refuse to feed it!
v  It is now safe to dissolve and heal all
   in thanksgiving.
v  This is an innate process so now it is only
about remembering and re-application.

Additional thoughts:
v  Allow extra rest for the body during
   this time of transformation.
v  Continue the cleaning and clearing
process as needed.
v  Allot quiet time for inner communion
with higher-self.
v  Practice the laying on of hands.
 Hands contain multiple chakras.
Apply right hand first, left on top,
 palms down upon the congested
 area(s) to transfer energy.
v  Minimize expending energy outwardly.
 Instead, conserve, utilize, and recycle
inwardly to expedite healing.
v  Stay open to newness:  Concepts,
feelings, emotions, insights, guidance,
activities, and thoughts entering now.
v  Bless and dissolve old patterns quickly
if/when they re-surface.

~ Fully acknowledge, honor, trust, and heed the
loving wise healer, teacher, guide, and counselor within who
holds the key in bringing us to the fullness of who we are! ~ 

Stay vigilant and patient in this practice.
Remember, the physical body vibrates slowest,
so healing generally takes place within the
spiritual, emotional, and mental bodies
before manifesting physically!

In summary:
 The body is readjusting to
 accommodate and maintain a relationship
 relative with new conscious awareness and may be
 experiencing unusual ailments and symptoms.  Should
one find a traditional 3D doctor unable to successfully
diagnose and/or treat certain conditions, take comfort
in understanding the cause may be spiritually-seated and
will be healed by alternative methods.  The greatest solace
 is to remember that, when we are prepared, the doctor
within us is capable of any and all healings!  Ready
yet, to accept a time when dis-ease as we have
 known it, can no longer inter-act with new
light- energy and will cease to exist?!?
Please note; such a premise also
applies to other areas of our livingness.
Realize, when moving into 5D energy, third
 dimensional solutions, explanations, and etc., may no
 longer be applicable!  Old energy ceases to feed newness.
 Light-energy entering now is highly re-fined compared
 to what we’ve been used to.  Liken this unto; pouring
 high-octane, super-sonic aircraft fuel into a diesel
 locomotive!  Please allow sufficient time    
for all our bodies to acclimate!
A final note: 
Ones living fifth-dimensionally
[not just perceiving the concept] embody and emit an
 expanded radiance which actually alters other energy fields.
Through transference of light energy, a form of healing
takes place.  Please remember this is not physically-
based energy, this is limitless-Divine-energy!
~ Healing blessings are with you ~