Monday, December 1, 2014

Another Welcome Shift

Good day,

The day of the blood-full-moon this last October,
another sizeable shift in energy occurred
and seems to be sticking around! 

For those who have been holding light for lifetimes
with seemingly limited support, there is additional relief!
As the masses begin to function at a higher vibratory level
this helps apportion the overall load.  In turn, a more equitable
balance is achieved both personally and universally!

Advancement and rise in collective consciousness is
 capable of limitless flexibility and fluidity to accommodate
each at their necessary level when the time is right. 

Perhaps relief has not yet reached every doorstep,
 but please be assured it will arrive at the perfect moment!
For those who have or are experiencing a lighter sensation,
you bear witness to such Divinity!  This signifies a monumental
adjustment in humanity’s spiritual awareness of choosing
 [or perhaps by Universal force?] to raise vibrations!

As a result, trailblazers/forerunners are being cut loose
and freed of old tethers that have bound for so long. This
release allows for new momentum and expanded perspectives.

New light is based upon energy each carries which
provides for optimum expression and purpose!

~ Blessings and Peace ~