Thursday, May 1, 2014


Good day,
Physical, mental, emotional, financial, and
spiritual struggles force a deeper search in order
to find truth, understanding and peace.
 Please consider:
We are the ones who prepare the way.
After such tempering, we embody fortitude
to assist others who have subscribed to, supported
and perpetuated a world which is now transitioning.
 Some may feel lost when worldly activities, which
have been accepted as true and honorable,
are shaken and exposed as less than!
It’s time for a sturdier personal infrastructure!
Find comfort and strength in knowledge attained.
Access and assess personal growth achieved and
stand firmly in who you are.  All efforts have been
valuable preparation for what lies ahead.
Theories and knowledge are useful, as are acceptance
and integration of knowledge, but now application
is needed to provide first-hand experience in BEING.
 So, not by knowledge alone, but through the actual
LIVING APPLICATION of knowledge, do we BECOME !
Let us bring to the Universal Table of Life  
fullness of our BEING made manifest.
 Blessings Be With You