Thursday, November 15, 2012

In Thanksgiving

Good day fellow travelers,

Are we finding less time now to recycle old

 patterns, thoughts, and actions?  Is it more difficult

to stay grounded and maintain balance?  If so, what

a gift, what a blessing!  We are accessing a higher

vibratory field.  We only have time for the energy

of newness, here and now!  In order to keep pace,

we allow the old to slip away and instead look
to the light this moment and day brings.

Try to stay in gratitude and thanksgiving

recognizing we are healing ourselves  

by our own action of dismissing the

old while embracing new!  

~ And So It Is ~






Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seven Years Later

Good day fellow travelers;
Upon assessing the 2/1/2005 OSOLE message
for re-entry today there is little need for additions. 
Transmission of information appears to have been
 accurate as given.  Seven plus years later we are able
to attest to what was written as we now begin the
  easing, and deeper spiritual sense that was mentioned. 
We also know as peace manifests within, it will
eventually pervade globally as conscious
awareness continues to expand.
~ And So It Is ~
(Re-entry of old archived messages continues below)
~ Transitioning With OSOLE ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Mankind is in "transition", moving farther away from a physically
 oriented existence into a more spiritually based vibration.

Things which have brought human comfort and security in the past
may no longer "serve" or provide the same satisfaction.

As we are moved from familiarity and contentment
into diversity and "reality adjustment", hold onto the truth
that you "are" and the verity of your own soul.

Eventually an easing will occur and a deeper spiritual
sense and peace will begin to manifest.

We are blessed in being allowed conscious awareness as
we "translate" and as transformation becomes us.

~ Transitioning with OSOLE ~


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Inner Connection

Greetings this day with a loving reminder:
~ Peace Lies Within ~
We no longer need to seek instruction,
guidance, comfort, peace, etc. from the outer world.
Inner connection with Source energy is first, foremost
and the key to peace and freedom; ascension!
This is the Oneness we desire; our ultimate union.
When we attain conscious awareness of this
unity, as moment by moment reality,
we are at peace and free!
May our days contain easy flow, harmony and
~ Love and Blessings ~


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bridging Heaven and Earth

~ Good day and thank you for visiting ~
The subject is not new but today provides
another opportunity to reflect upon the topic.
Bridging Heaven and Earth; an exchange of peace
and love which has been predicted.  A time where
activation takes place between the worlds.  A time
when exchange between dimensions becomes reality;
 a conscious reality!  The link and intercommunication
has always been, yet when consciousness becomes
aware of the fullness of the exchange, then
the circle is completed.  Then fruition is attained.
This is the time in space in which
this is being granted; the time awaited. 
Allow the energy to come forth, activate and
re-stimulate the sensory perceptions regarding
alternative dimensions so that access may be easy,
clear and a reality within the mind.  As the mind
finds validation, this supports that which the
emotions and heart have been attuned to. 
This is bridging of Heaven and Earth. 
When earthly composition recognizes, honors
and works in conjunction with the Divine.
The lights then become ONE!
~ Love and Blessings ~


Monday, July 23, 2012

Addition of Archive Post

Good day,
Thank you for visiting.
As you know each month OSOLE is installing
archived posts to include within this new website.
After reviewing the following post of November 2004,
almost eight years ago, the truth still stands.
Today we may read the message (below)
with deeper understanding according
to our growth over the years.
Are we finding our inner world to be more
comforting now, as a refuge amidst
storms in the outer world?
~ Love and Blessings ~


~ Seek OSOLE ~

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

It is as we become like a child, innocent, trusting,
and accepting that our heart opens and we come to “see”
and “hear” the beauty and truth of our own soul.

When we are so busy with things in the “outer world,
we then have little time for thought of the “inner world”.

Power, fame, and fortune does not bring wealth of heart
and spirit, only love.

Inner ‘richness of being” is a result of time spent in prayer,
meditation, nature’s quietude, and with


~ Seek OSOLE ~

Saturday, June 23, 2012

In and Out of Transition

Good day,
Thank you for visiting.

The OSOLE website has been 'in transition' the past month.
Perhaps some of you have been experiencing the same?
Time, focus and energy spent creating in an outward,
worldly manner will undoubtedly produce
physical and tangible results. 
On the other hand, when time and effort has been spent
with a spiritual focus, rewards may be of a different nature.
Achieving balance between the two would be ideal.
When one is in transition or need, be that physically,
emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually, what will
provide the ultimate comfort and peace? 
Will the safe harbor come from an outward Source?
Will it come from an inward Source? 

Will a house built with lumber and nails or bricks and
mortar provide strong and safe protection? 
Would a portable inner-temple, capable of travel
within a physical and/or spiritual world prove more  
durable and long lasting?  Perhaps something 
to consider as construction continues?
~ Love and Blessings ~