Monday, February 1, 2010

At This Time Of Now

~ At This Time Of Now ~
'NOW' is like a door mat, the last place to remove
debris from the past before stepping into newness.

Transformation requires a lengthy cleaning
and clearing process, observing self objectively.

Feet touch hallowed ground as one crosses the threshold
into universal union. Impersonal love becomes clear.
Instinctively one understands Innate Intelligence within,
yet with finite mind, processes through the heart.
One is both humbled and elevated.

One arrives at this placement through their efforts, choices,
and grace. When one has opened, listened, obeyed, and surrendered
so Source can satiate, co-creation through the power of loving
gentleness, compassion, and wisdom, begins.

~ When OSOLE is made manifest through physical
form, Heaven and Earth become One ~