~ OSOLE Focus ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As tests and trials deepen, where is the awareness?
Where is your focus now?
Does it lie with the test and trial,
or does it stay upon the goal?
What is the goal, a temporal, physical manifestation,
or an eternal celebration of spirit?
Be mindful, hold to the truth of your being
and the integrity of spirit, in all things
at all times, based only in love.
- Nothing less will accomplish the goal -
As tests and trials deepen, where is the awareness?
Where is your focus now?
Does it lie with the test and trial,
or does it stay upon the goal?
What is the goal, a temporal, physical manifestation,
or an eternal celebration of spirit?
Be mindful, hold to the truth of your being
and the integrity of spirit, in all things
at all times, based only in love.
- Nothing less will accomplish the goal -