Monday, December 1, 2008

Season's Greetings From OSOLE

~ Season’s Greetings From OSOLE ~

Dear Hearts,

Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with "we".
Let hearts be pure and true, for everyone to see.
So take this moment and live this moment
for it is all brand new.
And then, let there be peace on Earth
and let it abide in you.

No further posted OSOLE messages
until Easter time or beyond.

May this, wintertime of going within,
bring inspiration, peace and comfort.

Communication with OSOLE is still available,
but will be limited through winter months.
"Contact" page provides the link.

May your Holidays be blessed by Spirit
and filled with light and love.

~ OSOLE Peace on Earth ~

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Release To Receive

~ Release To Receive ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Are there still any human attachments left, to people,
places, or things? If so, perhaps there is more cleaning and clearing
needed? Total obedience and complete surrender into SOURCE
is required, and when accomplished, ONENESS occurs.
Release and loss are not the same.

That which is released, will be returned in a "whole" new way
and impersonal connection with "all" can then be understood.
Old, is emptied, to allow for filling with newness.
Divinity will recreate the individual with complete
perspective and understanding.

The outer world may not appear to change, yet ones
perceptional comprehension within will be altered.

Eyes will gaze from a Heavenly place. Ears will hear past
audible sounds. The heart and understanding will be one
with OSOLE, and peace and freedom will abide within.

Release all into the Universe for renewal of self.
Complete the journey into OSOLE.
~ OSOLE awaits your return ~

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Complete in OSOLE

~ Complete In OSOLE ~

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

One finds perfection of self in OSOLE.

OSOLE completes each individual making them whole.
When self attains wholeness, each becomes one with all.

A human being may provide encouragement, care,
love, support, growth, compliment, and etc. for others,
but is unable to bring completion for another.

Through OSOLE perfection and fulfillment
of self is achieved. Seek first, this SOURCE within
and all else will be added.

Still awaiting your return, with love,

Monday, September 1, 2008


~ OSOLE Goal ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The ache for spiritual "fulfillment", "peace", and
“home” is satisfied with/in OSOLE.

ETA (estimated time of arrival), route, scenery, and
etc., to achieve the OSOLE goal, may vary
for each individual, but the destination
of "freedom", remains constant.

Place each footstep, deliberately and mindfully.
Stand firmly in love, truth, and integrity.
Stay aware and maintain focus.
Be "open" to Divine guidance
and follow your heart,
it is passageway to

~ Still awaiting your return ~

Friday, August 1, 2008

Grow Into OSOLE

~ Grow Into OSOLE ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

remains constant.

Perfection has always existed, with all things,
at all times, in all places, waiting to be (re)discovered.

As vibrations continue to rise, perceptions expand,
more is "seen", "heard", "felt", and "understood".

Divinity does not change, consciousness does.
One "grows" into alignment and harmony with OSOLE.

~ Awaiting your return ~

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Detachment, Save OSOLE

~ Detachment, Save OSOLE ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

By having no personal attachment to any person, place,
or thing, the door can fully open to ONENESS.

Attachment to anything requires conscious attention
thereby limiting/interrupting focus upon OSOLE.

When "human" connections (ties) are discovered, examined
and eventually resolved, healing can then take place.
"The Way" clears to begin experiencing DIVINE
"wholeness of being" and unity with ALL.

Ironically, personal "neutrality" and "detachment"
ultimately provides UNIVERSAL ONENESS.

Still awaiting your return

Sunday, June 1, 2008


~ Faith ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Faith is strengthened by tests and trials, "walking through the fire".

Faith can deepen through prayer, seeking, believing,
and trusting in an all-knowing and loving power.

A change of thought, brought about by a gentle word,
or the beauty of nature, can transport one from
darkness into light, renewing and restoring faith.

To stay in "light" is to be ever diligent, remaining mindful
and conscious of inner thoughts and emotions, as well as
outward environmental/influences. "Light" can quickly fade,
should one "turn away" and/or loose grip or focus.
Remain anchored and maintain faith throughout the
minute, hour, and day.

With practice and patience the faithful seeker will find
refuge, peace and comfort in the love of OSOLE.

Faith knows no bounds, no limits. Aspire, with faith, to as
high as "The Source" is willing to take you, all the
while knowing, freedom awaits.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Still Awaiting Your Return

~ Still Awaiting Your Return ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It matters not how many bridges one crosses in a lifetime, or how
many are left standing in case one wishes to make a return journey.

It is only through love that one will attain the
peace and freedom of OSOLE.

The outer world may not see, with clarity, the
spiritual, impersonal love another carries. Their vision may
still be limited by human perceptions, eyes, and boundaries.

Worry not, for when one reaches a certain level of
development, one answers only the call of "OSOLE",
accounts only to "The One Source",
and finds comfort in "Life Eternal".

Outer, worldly-ways no longer provide or serve
in the familiar manner they once did.

Move on, step up, into "oneness" and "harmony"
with OSOLE.

~ Still awaiting your return ~

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Create, Co-Create, Manifest

~ Create, Co-Create, Manifest ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

To create and manifest from "ego" and "self-will" is,
 a learning tool, providing self-growth.
Ego is (temporarily) satisfied, because ego is the "base"
from which this form of creation is made manifest.

When we surrender our "will/ego", and personal "wants"
into "Universal Will", things can begin to shift.

When we are able to "hear, discern, obey", and "work
impersonally", with "The Divine", watch what happens.

There will no longer be the same struggles, and, results from 
our efforts will be eternally fruitful.  Purpose
and continuity will become more clear as we work ‘in
harmony with" OSOLE.  In this way, "co-creation" takes place.

"Direction" comes from Heaven.
Power to "manifest" Heavenly guidance into Earthly
 form occurs through physical bodies.

In so doing, we are able to bridge
Heaven and Earth, and make the lights ONE.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


~ One ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,


If all is one and one is all, there is no separation,
except within "perception". This means there is no
intermediary, no in-between, just SOURCE,

"Perception" is limitation.

As perception becomes clear, oneness comes into focus,
personal will is released, and surrender into unity occurs.
Self into SOURCE and SOURCE into self.

OSOLE is the compilation of every aspect
of being, everything everywhere together in harmony.

There is no resistance to any thing, (push or pull), which
allows for undisturbed, free flowing, "melding movement",
a blending exchange "with" all aspects of being.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Follow Your Heart To OSOLE

~ Follow Your Heart To OSOLE ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

One may navigate, motivate, and achieve efficiently in this world
by using mind, logic, intellect, practicality, and etc.  One can
attain fame, fortune, and worldly success by these means.

However it is in functioning with an open heart, and by this
route only, that one reaches the GOAL and finds OSOLE.
The heart alone, is passageway to this ONE SOURCE.

Discover the differences between mind/intellect and heart.
Spend time within this space. Become familiar with the
contents. Feed and grow the heart-part of yourself to
 greater proportion until which time it becomes the
governing principles and qualities of your life.

It is then one fully understands true unity

~ OSOLE awaits your return ~

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


~ OSOLE Focus ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As tests and trials deepen, where is the awareness?
Where is your focus now?
Does it lie with the test and trial,
or does it stay upon the goal?

What is the goal, a temporal, physical manifestation,
or an eternal celebration of spirit?

Be mindful, hold to the truth of your being
and the integrity of spirit, in all things
at all times, based only in love.

- Nothing less will accomplish the goal -