~ OSOLE Awakening ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Spiritual evolution constantly occurs, personally and collectively.
All aspects of understanding, healing, truth, wisdom, etc., already exist
in perfect form. As awareness expands, one's perspective changes.
"Awakening" or "remembering" also describes this process. As layer
after layer is peeled away, new revelations are "exposed" for one
to examine, chew on, and finally digest. After this is done,
the content can fully integrate and truly become "one" with the
individual. This will all unfold naturally, on its own accord.
The fact that one "receives" material truth, can write it, and
publicly "deliver" it, does not necessarily mean they have
"examined" it, "chewed on" it, or "digested" it. Be mindful of the
"outward" teacher, they may not actually "be" one with their message.
The "ultimate" teacher lies within each one personally and
is complete and abundant in all things.
~ Remember, the messenger is the "messenger",
OSOLE, remains the "GOAL" ~
Spiritual evolution constantly occurs, personally and collectively.
All aspects of understanding, healing, truth, wisdom, etc., already exist
in perfect form. As awareness expands, one's perspective changes.
"Awakening" or "remembering" also describes this process. As layer
after layer is peeled away, new revelations are "exposed" for one
to examine, chew on, and finally digest. After this is done,
the content can fully integrate and truly become "one" with the
individual. This will all unfold naturally, on its own accord.
The fact that one "receives" material truth, can write it, and
publicly "deliver" it, does not necessarily mean they have
"examined" it, "chewed on" it, or "digested" it. Be mindful of the
"outward" teacher, they may not actually "be" one with their message.
The "ultimate" teacher lies within each one personally and
is complete and abundant in all things.
~ Remember, the messenger is the "messenger",
OSOLE, remains the "GOAL" ~