~ For Love Only ~
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We hear words like; "co-create with God"
We hear words like; "co-create with God"
and ”set intentions". What lies beyond this?
Is there
something more?
After we set our human goals and perhaps
even achieved them. After we have create our
(own) world as we would choose it to be -
["law of attraction", "the secret"] -- then what?
Could it be "surrender" and "acceptance"?
Could it be that we become self-less and not-wanting,
surrendering and blending completely with a
After we set our human goals and perhaps
even achieved them. After we have create our
(own) world as we would choose it to be -
["law of attraction", "the secret"] -- then what?
Could it be "surrender" and "acceptance"?
Could it be that we become self-less and not-wanting,
surrendering and blending completely with a
"Higher Power": The Universal Law/Force/Energy
Does "our will" become "Thy will", accepting
Does "our will" become "Thy will", accepting
fully that the Universe totally understands our
needs and desires before we have a clue/inkling?
Is "surrender" and "acceptance" true wisdom? Is this
freedom, a pure impersonal vessel offering
needs and desires before we have a clue/inkling?
Is "surrender" and "acceptance" true wisdom? Is this
freedom, a pure impersonal vessel offering
self-less service for the sake of love only?
~ For the sake of OSOLE ~
~ For the sake of OSOLE ~