Wednesday, March 1, 2006

One Light

~ One Light ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Praying hands, the grasp of life, the grasp of Heaven
 going forth from there to here and back again. 
Let the light shine from Earth into Heaven and from Heaven
into Earth.  Make the lights One light and our vision is complete,
in Heaven and in Earth.  (‘IN’ Earth, not ‘on’ Earth, there is
a difference – ‘in’ the body/physical form.  Reference;
King James version ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.)
As our light become brighter and distance between the worlds
lessens, connection with spirit becomes more clear and real. 
We come to understand ‘direction’ is from Heaven
and ‘power’ lies ‘in’ Earth.
So it is with the Universe and with our own being.
We access the Divine for inspiration and guidance while
manifestation occurs within the body and Earth.
Lights become ONE through the heart, passageway to OSOLE. 
Blessed be the tie that binds forever more.
~ OSOLE, One Light,
One Source of Life Eternal ~